Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was due to go up to the Blue Mountains that morning and she started having pains , she said .
2 When are you due to go back to the hospital ? ’
3 he , he were due to go back in the army and he overstayed
4 Runswick Bay , a multi-million pound investment by Yorkshire Television , is due to go out on the network five days a week next year .
5 Despite the growth of the disabled people 's movement these paper professionals still think it quite normal to sit down round the table and decide what 's best for us .
6 As he waxed into an eloquent period , he would realize the absurdity of his situation or the humbug of his pleading and be overcome with internal laughter , a laughter so vast that on occasion it left him too weak to go on with the speech .
7 I look forward especially to a future opportunity to develop his views on the desirability of keeping national insurance contributions as low as possible and of working out exactly how that fits in with the policies of some of his right hon. and hon. Friends , but that is for another occasion , Madam Deputy Speaker .
8 Canon Wright said : ‘ I believe that to go back on the progress that was made in the convention would be a retrograde step , for what is going to replace it ? ’
9 I am unaware of any allegations of malpractice at the prison I visited , but it has often been claimed elsewhere that frauds are common among both staff and prisoners responsible for storing , weighing and distributing food , and that the actual consumption per prisoner can be up to 20 per cent below that laid down in the regulations .
10 The Foreign Office accommodation , with the possible exception of the Foreign Secretary 's residence , would be almost the same as that laid down in the competition .
11 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
12 He was staring at the glove box now , he was too low to see out of the window .
13 However , Operation Granby proved that it is possible to go out onto the charter market for ships and find ships from many different nations to perform the tasks that we wanted of them .
14 Orwell 's socialism would reflect the democratic virtues characteristic of the English working class — ‘ the genuinely popular culture … that goes on beneath the surface , unofficially and more or less frowned on by the authorities . ’
15 And most of that goes on in the daytime
16 What do , in terms of erm , terms of prostitution , is that act , is that , does that bother you or are you not bo bothered really about the fact that that goes on in the area ?
17 That goes out of the window when you become an outlaw .
18 Established in 1985 with an initial funding of about £14 million , DELTA has now commissioned 30 projects for its exploratory phase , most due to report back to the Commission early in 1991 .
19 Now , Julie has a modern kitchen that 's been carefully designed to make good use of all the available space , and that blends in with the style of the rest of the house .
20 Yes , I spoke to Mo Magill , he 'll see us tomorrow morning , we 'll fly up on the shuttle , I do n't know what we 'll get , but … and I 've got a line into St Louis : there 's a thing called the Western Manuscripts collection at UMSL — ghastly word , but they use it themselves , it means University of Missouri-St Louis — that latches on to the papers of operations like CCOAC , and they 've got them .
21 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
22 Tom , who worked for the British Caprotti poppet valve-gear manufacturers , Associated Locomotive Equipment Ltd , was instrumental , not only in the original design of 71000 , but also in the rebuilt carried out by the Trust .
23 FORMER Liberal leader Sir David Steel yesterday urged Labour to stand down for the Liberal-Democrats in seats they can not win at the next Election .
24 Tony took the overdose on Sunday night , at around the time when his father , his father 's girl friend and her son were due to come back from the pub .
25 In the course of the journey one of them , an RAF pilot , had been shot dead trying to jump out of the train in an attempt to reach an Italian fighter plane on an airfield and fly it to Yugoslavia .
26 To celebrate the occasion , they were given an emotional send off by the bus drivers who 've spent the last three years transporting them to and from home .
27 It is possible to find out from the data whether a zone has changed between 1981 and 1991 , but not how .
28 It 's an insult to feminism and I 'd like to know how much that cost out of the rates .
29 This resolution was offered as a substitute for that reported out by the Budget Committee , and if accepted would give the president virtually all the cuts he had asked for .
30 Much of the work including that carried out at the retraining facilities at Ellesemere Port is aimed at helping younger servicemen and women .
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