Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further fieldwalking in Northamptonshire emphasises the widespread distribution of such settlements , some near earlier and later settlements , others having no such connection ( Taylor 1983 ) .
2 We can now speak of quantities of heat and use this to develop better and better theories and laws of thermodynamics .
3 For most of the time this works imperfectly and simultaneous interpretation of BSL to English is frequently marked by the interpreter requesting repetition or further information from the deaf person .
4 Everyone was delighted to play again and all matches attracted big crowds . ’
5 Another indicator of this — long before Stalingrad — is provided by an interesting source : the death-announcements for ‘ fallen heroes ’ which from autumn 1941 filled longer and longer columns in the German newspapers .
6 The Alliance again appeals to all unselfish men and women — and to the electors who desire to see West Ham governed in the interests of all classes , for all to receive just and fair consideration — to take their part in bringing this about .
7 walk in , here , this is the end of the where they all went too and that piece is a piece cut off and it 's not , it 's gripped together underneath
8 Several times they had to step down from the train and walk along the track to the nearest station ; on this particular evening the passengers were all wanting to get home and any delay was not welcome .
9 Edward Forbes , T. H. Huxley and John Tyndall all had long and unhappy waits for suitable posts ; and even insiders from the ancient universities could not depend upon posts if they had scruples about being ordained .
10 Maurice Ododo is the catechist at Aluor mission and every day was busy going near and far training and teaching the Christians , preparing them for the Sacraments and instructing catechumens .
11 As Kelly recuperated she was able to do more and more things .
12 Woman was able to do less and less work , suffered from morning sickness and gradually her lifestyle changed from eating , sleeping , working and ‘ getting it right ’ to bingeing frequently and sleeping .
13 Cinema audiences in the 1920s expected better and better things and cinema-going became part and parcel of their social betterment .
14 Its twenty five years since the folk rock band Fairport Convention first got together and this year they 're planning a few suprises , but one of the stars will be missing .
15 Only two or three businesses in every hundred grow rapidly and this project is designed to identify the characteristics of those ‘ fast growers ’ .
16 With many smiles and good-nights , the four went upstairs and another meeting took place in the newly-painted room , where they sat on the floor , and discussed the new problem posed by Faye and Roberta , who did not like Comrade Andrew 's role in their affairs .
17 The boat was ready to leave now and two members of its small crew began casting off , one of them pushing the boat away from the quayside with a long boat-hook .
18 On this view , however , it can not be the phonological system in which priming occurs , because both reading aloud and answering definitions by an oral response use the phonological system ( since both culminate in the subject saying a word ) ; yet these two activities do not prime each other .
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