Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 He lay on the ground thrashing around in great pain , strange choked gurgling sounds escaping from his throat .
2 The new Masterpieces range of fabric backgrounds from Lastolite is available in a range of colourways , each reflecting rich colours taken from nature , their names , such as Larkspur , Lichen and Nightshade , reflecting this theme .
3 The new Masterpieces range of fabric backgrounds from Lastolite is available in a range of colourways , each reflecting rich colours taken from nature , their names , such as Larkspur , Lichen and Nightshade , reflecting this theme .
4 On the other hand , it is possible to perform logical deductions starting from singular observation statements as premises , to arrive at the falsity of universal laws and theories by logical deduction .
5 Mr Mowatt will be returning to Scottish Office by the end of September , but he will be free to accept suitable placement offers from Scottish Office before then , subject to RBG receiving four weeks notice .
6 A group-wide waste definition has been agreed and for C&P this includes unavoidable waste resulting from a chemical reaction — unless a market is found for it .
7 In the circumstances it would be inadvisable to allow bad feeling to develop from such shadows .
8 Some had national flags flying from their rucksacks so we hung out a tiny Scottish Saltire .
9 Popes were no longer content to see political leadership taken from them .
10 While it is probably too much to expect English politicians to learn from Scotland , I would have hoped that in Scotland we will still try to understand the problems rather than take refuge in moral outrage and simply condemn .
11 The DSP led by Ecevit campaigned in May 1991 to have foreign troops removed from Turkish territory .
12 Years before the First World War it was not unusual to see bare-footed boys running from street to street selling the Echo in all types of weathers .
13 By the entrance to Spring Place were two two-storey houses the first occupied by the Henstridge family , then followed a terrace of six , gaunt looking three-storey houses built from a singularly unattractive deep red brick .
14 These unisex classic jeans made from soft cotton jersey are cut just like their denim equivalents and have double stitching and metal studs .
15 They saw Hollywood films , just as everyone else did , and many made valiant efforts to learn from American filmmaking styles .
16 Stage 3 represents subsequent developments resulting from the project grant and includes inservice and staff-development activities , the publicising and promotion of good practice coming out of the project , and any other spin-off effects .
17 In the future there will be fewer farmers and farms able to generate sufficient income to survive from farm production alone .
18 Central government was thus not able to give clear guidance drawn from the Worcester case for hospital managing authorities in the rest of the country .
19 It is a notably hardy and thrifty breed , able to produce good milk yields from the poorest of fodder and an excellent smallholder 's cow , well suited to hill farms iii particular , light enough not to poach winter pastures and small enough to be tightly stocked .
20 The government capitulated within hours , agreeing late on April 16 to pay minimum wages owed from January and February by the end of April , to abolish the contentious taxes , and to adopt a new system of paying social security .
21 For this reason it may not be correct to relate thermodynamic quantities obtained from one cooling curve to those obtained by another as has been pointed out by Gee ( 1966 ) .
22 ‘ The central issue raised on this aspect of the appeal is whether there is any evidence upon which the judge could find that the plaintiffs behaved in a manner in relation to the conduct of the son as to make them liable to suffer financial loss resulting from the equitable relief sought by the defendants .
23 Representatives from the Baltic states and all the Soviet republics except Kazakhstan and Turkmenia , plus representatives from Moscow and St Petersburg met in the Estonian capital , Tallinn , on Sept. 20 to discuss economic issues separate from any of the plans for economic union .
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