Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 New radio anchormen RADIO Maldwyn , the independent radio station for Mid Wales and the Borders , due to go on the air on Thursday July 1 , will have Lee Thompson , 27 , presenting The Breakfast Show between 7am and 11am , Monday to Friday .
2 The commission 's report , due to go to the president by early February , will eventually be published .
3 Encourage those who are mobile to go to the toilet on their own .
4 The anniversary falls just before the regiment is due to amalgamate with the Duke of Edinburgh 's Royal Regiment as part of the defence cuts .
5 One of the finest Continental pieces is a Tuscan or South Italian vase made around 1470 painted with the arms of the Duke of Calabria ( est. £15,000–25,000 ; $29,100–48,500 ) .
6 The eruption of highly viscous lava , such as that formed by the degassing of rhyolite or andesite , can create large domes which may reach a height of several hundred metres and a width of several kilometres .
7 I mean , that flies in the face of all the current pressures , all of the current political about , if you 're a naughty boy , into prison you go , and for the longer the better .
8 The Dolgarrog Dam disaster of 1925 led to the passing of this legislation .
9 In recent times gilt has been widely used to create the effect of gold , but during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there was a fashion in Europe for silver thrones , like that made for the coronation of the Queen of Denmark in 1731 .
10 In addition , farmers with an agreed development plan in the LFA receive a ‘ guidance premium ’ , which is not higher than that given outside the LFA in the UK ( though it could be one third higher under the Directive ) .
11 The party 's total vote was just half that given to the Communists in a similar number of boroughs .
12 It is significant that they were known as Tarianas , a title closely resembling that given to the tribes of Turania in Turkistan who were associated with the Serpent , the Taryans .
13 namely Thucydides ) , but voting techniques were not : there was no counting of votes at all ( something which would have taken several hours when the agenda was as crowded as that given at the beginning of Demosthenes ' fiftieth speech of 362 BC ) , and the ‘ consensus ’ was determined by a show of hands , which tellers then adjudicated , in a fashion no more precise than that of a modern shop-steward who ‘ counts ’ a sea of hands at a trade union mass meeting .
14 If you 've had office copy entries , the date from which to search is that given at the foot of each page , when the office copy entries were issued ; your search will then reveal any entries that may have been made since that date .
15 Critics of official statistics argued that not all those out of work were registered as unemployed and that the real figure was therefore higher than that given by the Department of Employment , which is responsible for compiling the data .
16 Every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of property bounded by or adjacent to a canal should search before exchange of contracts by letter , with a plan , for information similar to that sought in the case of rivers .
17 ‘ Our 175hp Ford 6700 goes into the row of grass at 2,600 to 2,800revs , but once you drop it on to the row , the revs soon drop to 2,000 to 2,000rpm .
18 Such a class of behaviours includes going on to another task of a kind similar to that assigned by the teacher at one level and exploratory behaviour at a ‘ higher ’ level .
19 ‘ He was due to retire at the end of the year anyway .
20 The appended list gives names of all officers and members of Council currently serving , and indicates those due to retire at the close of the AGM .
21 During the transfer ceremony Schwarzkopf , who was due to retire from the Army on Aug. 31 , conducted a final review of his troops and spoke emotionally of his pride in having served in the US Army for 35 years .
22 With 800–900 of Switzerland 's 2300 professors due to retire before the end of the decade , the Swiss have taken a leaf out of Britain 's book and set up a scheme for appointing ‘ new blood ’ assistant professors at the rate of 300 in each of the next two four-year planning periods .
23 I wonder if , even at this late stage , it might be possible to arrange for the loan of an item from your collections for our forthcoming exhibition on John Slezer , of which you may already be aware .
24 For the Sun and the Daily Mirror , where it is possible to compare with the numbers in 1978 , both show significant increases — the Sun from thirty-two to forty-nine and the Daily Mirror , even more , from twenty-six to forty-five .
25 This means that in most ( almost all ) cases the Provisional Banding notified in December 1992 will be the same as that notified on the Demand in April 1993 .
26 Three raids alone in 1736 led to the loss of 1,026 head of cattle .
27 BELVILLE : Nothing could be called so that belongs to the Countess of Pembroke .
28 This does not automatically mean that the provision will be made , but it does make it possible to plan in the light of solid knowledge rather than guesswork .
29 Catherine explicitly denied the serf 's right to appeal to the State against his master 's treatment .
30 ‘ Part of that refers to the ways in which people fall short in their living , which is what we call sin , so it is not simply about that .
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