Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there was little understanding at the time of how much work was required to develop high-quality screenplays .
2 Section 47 of the Criminal Law Act 1977 , was not brought into force for another five years until 1982 , Ministers of both parties having accepted the advice of Home Office officials that the provision was too risky to implement at a time of acute overcrowding in the prisons .
3 Where there has been malicious tampering of a product , if this occurs before the time of supply by , for example , an employee of the manufacturer , the latter will be strictly liable .
4 In years with more bees , there is clearly a different quality of pollination and this varies with the time in the season considered , but poorer quality pollination at other times is better than none , so that specialization with one pollinator per plant species is unlikely to evolve .
5 I mean I 've certainly been very much helped in the time at Sussex when I 've been working part time by the men that I 've worked with
6 Of the 16 patients , three died at the time of their first hospital admission and five died subsequently .
7 She once again showed a maturity way beyond her 16 years and put in a fantastic bike of 53.16 and run of 32.48 to win in a time of 1.39.13 .
8 British culture can often be fiercely nationalistic , as we all saw at the time of the Falklands war .
9 I went from a er boy 's school and all that that implied at the time in England , strict discipline , uniforms , that sort of thing , to er High School , a mixed High School in Ohio where the atmosphere was totally different , much more relaxed , much more friendly .
10 The analysis showed that there were many similarities between the activities that are systemically desirable and those undertaken at the time of the study , but highlighted certain aspects of the organisation that needed strengthening to allow the Colleges to become more self-supporting once the ERA took effect .
11 If we define them simply , primary sources are those written at the time by someone usually connected with the event .
12 First , black workers were recruited for precisely those jobs , usually poorly paid and involving unpleasant working conditions , which the indigenous white working class was able to reject at the time of economic expansion , thus preventing the development of bottlenecks in production and permitting higher levels of capital accumulation .
13 However , the University reserve the right to vary the charges from those confirmed at the time of booking by giving notice to the Organisers not less than 10 weeks in advance of the commencement of the conference/courses .
14 First built at the time of Edward I , it has been occupied through to the present day .
15 However , the outbound timing must be adjusted as necessary to comply with a time at which you may be cleared to leave the holding point .
16 Positivism particularly favours the indeterminate sentence : it is premature to decide at the time of sentence how long the offender should be detained for , since this may depend on how quickly the treatment works ; ideally therefore the release decision should be left in the hands of treatment experts to take at a later date .
17 Certainly the fringe banking crisis of 1973–74 occurred at a time of a large inflow of new institutions into the market as a result of the perceived liberal market conditions brought about through competition and credit control .
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