Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well people who 've commented on this say that they 're now aware that they feel unable to say to women students things they would say to male students .
2 The UK and France have always accused each other of malpractice , the UK claiming that the French are the most protectionist country in Europe ; the French say that they are simply more open about it , and that the UK is just as bad .
3 Does this mean that they are not important ?
4 Does this mean that they 're not up to the job ?
5 Light entering the sea penetrates at most to a depth of 1000 metres — and since the oceans have an average depth of 4000 m , this means that they are mostly dark , except when lit in the depths by bioluminescence ( see p.53 ) .
6 This means that they are both independent of income changes .
7 And this means that they are more confident about their work and really feel they are making progress .
8 This means that they are always slightly damp , and so step paint would tend to bubble or blister .
9 They continue to argue for what no one else is prepared to offer and they are wholly isolated in a fantasy world .
10 This indicates that they are still alive :
11 Few stations of the first generation survived the vast increase of railway traffic , but some did and they are well worth seeing Railways added a vast amount of detail to the English landscape , besides manipulating it at times on a large scale .
12 I do not know any ( secondary ) school teachers who , in private , are not willing to say that they are substantially dissatisfied with the job that schools are doing , for at least a substantial proportion of pupils .
13 Although best buys may be easy to spot as they are regularly listed by several financial advisers , Chase de Vere warns : ‘ Please remember that all GIBs are ‘ limited offers ’ and the best buys are likely to be fully subscribed . ’
14 Looking at the Pointers , apparently side by side in the sky , it is not easy to appreciate that they are quite unconnected with each other .
15 As you watch a buzzard quartering the ground , it 's easy to think that they are very lazy birds .
16 Just one more and I 'll do just have a quick look round the outside see if they 're here .
17 However , couple contracts are more likely to succeed if they are not directly reciprocal .
18 All women 's organizations are quick to explain that they are not fighting against men , but with them , for a more just and democratic society .
19 I am glad to say that they are now in Wales .
20 Criminals are not supposed to reveal that they are as human as the rest of us !
21 In Newham , there are 519 young people without a job ; 58 say that they are not interested , so that means that 451 are seeking a YT place .
22 All claim that they are not writing for clever people but this does not mean that theirs is the voice of a simple , unlettered piety .
23 The ‘ underclass ’ is what the working poor become when they are not employed .
24 Usually this is because they got ready before the rain started falling and are unable to see that they are not going to stay up unless they wait until the shower has passed .
25 The people are bright , reasonably well educated and unusually patriotic considering that they are invariably descended from a mix of European and African Negro forebears .
26 How on earth does he expect the exile clubs of London Scottish and Irish to survive if they are not included in the English league system ?
27 Now advertisers want to know why they 're still paying this premium to be first , when being first means that they 're actually fourth , fifth , sixth or seventh .
28 If you wish someone to manage your investments , you must first check that they are properly authorised to do so , either by one of the self-regulatory organisations — Lautro , Imro , Fimbra and SFA — or by a recognised professional body such as the Institute or the Law Society .
29 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
30 Smith suggests that ‘ the concept of policy denotes … deliberate choice of action or inaction , rather than the effects of interrelating forces ’ : he emphasizes ‘ inaction ’ and reminds us that ‘ attention should not focus exclusively on decisions which produce change , but must also be sensitive to those which resist change and are difficult to observe because they are not represented in the policy-making process by legislative enactment ’ .
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