Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No conscious effort is required , and it is sometimes possible to carry on a non-relevant activity , e.g. holding a conversation , whilst performing the activity .
2 Only the exhortation to ‘ all Party organizations ’ on 28 March 1933 to carry out a nation-wide boycott aimed at Jewish businesses , goods , doctors , and lawyers , starting on 1 April , concentrated explicitly on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
3 It 'll be interesting to see how a major label tries to curtail their waywardness , but for now you 're wide awake in a dream thinking of a more menacing early ACR , what with horns like scythes , found voices babbling , shouted , hoarse semi-raps and two funky drummers .
4 The study of functions was originally an offshoot of the study of properties of curves , geometrically defined , so it is interesting to see how a modern definition of function , expressed in terms of the set concept , is equivalent to what you would , in the case of a real valued function of one real variable , naturally think of as the graph of the function .
5 In the years between his father 's death and the outbreak of the First War , this became quite a grand establishment .
6 It is somewhat easier to see how a rurally-based tradition of collectivism could have survived in pre-industrial Japan , especially in the 250 years of isolationist rule which lasted until the mid-nineteenth century .
7 This drives out a great deal of air through the porous clay of the mould producing a partial vacuum which helps to suck the metal quickly into place when the arrangement is inverted .
8 Ah … well this goes back a LONG time … well back to 1980 I think .
9 This laid down a future programme in which , among the many proposals , they called for Burma 's recognition within the family of nations and admission to the UN , and finally ‘ the establishment of a sovereign state in the very near future ’ .
10 This represents only a small proportion of the structure .
11 All mountain rescue medical equipment is paid for by government funding , but this represents only a small percentage of our total costs .
12 This represents quite a significant change because it signals that the authorities were inclined to let market forces have a greater influence on the volume of credit ( and therefore the stock of money ; see Chapter 5 ) as well as the recipients of credit .
13 Another described how a strong rope was thrown over one of the barn 's tie-beams and then fixed to the horse 's harness .
14 Actually , with the exception of Oldham , and 4 home and only 2 away matches , this looks quite a tricky fixture list for them .
15 Slightly better is to use the test followed by study of the words spelled incorrectly ; but this causes only a marginal improvement .
16 At first glance the easiest solution to the difficulty which the eager candidates for the collectorship had created would appear to have been to take the advice which was being so strongly urged , and install Craigbarnet to share the office with Kirkton , for Craigbarnet would certainly have been willing to accept even a small fraction of the emoluments in his desperate need .
17 This reinforced both a legalistic approach , conscious of conflicts of interest , and pessimism about the results of welfare-orientated admissions to care .
18 This starts along a walled lane which opens out into a field .
19 The Ulster Unionist Party , led by Mr James Molyneaux , has been careful to rule out a formal coalition and will decide on an ‘ issue by issue ’ basis whether to support a minority government .
20 It may be reached on foot by using a track leaving the Ullapool road four miles out of Kylesku : this climbs over a high saddle before reaching the stream which can be followed down to the lip of the fall .
21 Sometimes this happens over a long period , as a person finds himself constrained to attend a Christian place of worship , or drawn to read the Christian scriptures .
22 From Trap 6 over the testing 620-metre course , Lady Riptide ( 5.59 ) should quickly draw clear to set up a commanding lead .
23 This opened up a four-shot lead but at the 5th Greg hit a bad second shot and chipped up , missed the putt and dropped back to three ahead .
24 If we wished for a more restful effect we could use far less harmonic change , holding chords for several beats ( Example 35 ) : This shows how a broad area of melody can be accompanied by the same harmony .
25 This skirts the base of the pinnacled north ridge and reaches a ridge beyond , where the final stage of the ascent , of daunting aspect , requires a very steep scramble up a narrowing spire to its airy top .
26 As the medical he describes should take around forty minutes , this forms quite a neat equation .
27 Rather than pursuing the discussion at an abstract level , it seems sensible to give here a brief synopsis of a selection of French fabliaux which can be regarded as highly typical of the genre , and which represent a range of subtypes within the genre : tales of sensual appetite or greed , adultery and fornication , sexual naivety and sexual fetishism ; a tale of robbers , the macabre joke of the corpse that apparently either can not or will not lie still , and a lavatorial tale of turds .
28 This takes quite a long time and slowly the boat turns around .
29 But this takes out a philosophical loan that must be repaid in the post-philosophical sciences which explain the affinity in question .
30 This creates quite a serious problem at shows because he frequently has to be dope-tested after a successful performance .
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