Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This includes estimates of how the returns to policyholders have been reduced by the effect of expenses and charges incurred by the life assurance company .
2 During the S the CNES budget increased substantially — largely due to state support for both the national and European ( ESA ) programmes : the CNES budget ( in real terms ) trebled in the years 1963–8 and then stayed level during most of the S ; in the S it rose steadily .
3 In Spanish tradition , I rested when I wanted to on the bolts , 700 feet above ground , and with a little planning it was possible to use jugs for almost every move .
4 When the dye molecules are dissolved in another solid , transparent host material , they do not all absorb light at quite the same frequency .
5 Even then , Jobs predicts , illegal copies will circulate , but computer companies will be able to cost piracy in much the same way as shops cost shoplifting — as part of their business plans .
6 The issue of commodity bundling has been central to a number of celebrated competition policy cases , including those involving IBM in both the United States and Europe .
7 Teacher Gender : The sample of teachers in this study , two male and two female , is too small to draw conclusions about how the gender of the teacher affects bias in transactions with pupils .
8 Citalia is pleased to offer bedrooms in either the main hotel or in the four-star residence which is conveniently situated just 20 yards away .
9 The children loved the hectic activity of the day , and it was difficult to keep track of where the boys were at any one time .
10 It 's worthwhile to give certificates on almost every conceivable occasion .
11 Without them , the conservative National Action Party , which already governs Merida , appears certain to turn Yucatan into only the third state in Mexico 's history to elect an opposition governor .
12 I last visited Mexico for almost a month during May and June 1989 .
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