Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] must [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 It is an essential part of the input process that text must be subject to validation before its release for editing .
2 She thought the strange light must be due to her dizziness but then she realised it was spring and the sun was shining .
3 This function must be identical to the vertical movement of the lower connecting point of the link member , PARTD .
4 This instrument must be familiar to every one who has ever heard a military band .
5 This folder must be available to be presented to the NEBE at the time of the final theoretical examination .
6 Similarly , the application of linear sweep voltammetry to the simultaneous determination of hypoxanthine , xanthine and uric acid must be attractive to those investigating xanthine oxidase inhibitors and other urate-lowering drugs .
7 This is , of course , because , in the absence of aggregate demand shocks , any unexpectedly high price must be due to a relative demand shock .
8 For a competitive equilibrium , this line must be tangent to the individual 's indifference curve .
9 All such plans must be subject to an environmental appraisal and show how local resources will be conserved and sustainably used .
10 They had no Chief Rabbit — no , how could they ? — for a Chief Rabbit must be El-ahrairah to his warren and keep them from death : and here there was no death but one , and what Chief Rabbit could have an answer to that ?
11 Under the 1988 Act the following services must be open to competitive tender if the council wishes to permit its own service departments to participate :
12 Mark the width of the blind 1.2cm ( ⅜in ) less than the cut roller length with two parallel chalk lines , remembering that these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges .
13 However , the proportion of RS — individuals among left handers must be proportional to the left handers in the total population .
14 Some portion of these costs must be due to the particular sort of culture — surprisingly uniform , across these very different companies — that our sample firms sought to induce : a high participative one .
15 Equally , corporate managers must be sensitive to the powerful inertial forces inherent in organizational cultures and ascribe as much importance to indicating a culture of change throughout the organization as to their marketing or investment strategies .
16 Clearly , to be useful , these features must be common to all languages , since children seem to be able to learn any language with equal facility .
17 During this delay the microprocessor can continue with other tasks ( including , perhaps , the control of other stepping motors ) , the only restriction being that the time spent on these tasks must be equal to the excitation interval .
18 Thus a comparative analysis must be sensitive to an ‘ industry effect ’ even within what is broadly the same industry .
19 Stating that while " the available capacity of beds in all hospitals must be accessible to all persons " , the minister affirmed that implementation of the reform should also take into account " the principle of acceptability " and " consideration of cultural , religious , social and language groups " .
20 Whereas biological control must be central to organic farming systems , the major potential application appears to be as a component of integrated farming systems which use limited amounts of chemical pesticides .
21 The police authority appoints the chief constable , his deputy and assistants , but the short list must be acceptable to the Home Office , who thus control the type of person appointed even if not the specific individual .
22 This implies that for any investment asset the marginal rate of exchange between the expected return and the risk ( standard deviation ) of that asset must be equal to the marginal rate of exchange for the market as a whole .
23 ‘ Another Clerk ’ wrote the next day to say the first writer must be blind to his own interests .
24 Postclassical criminology must be alive to both of these considerations .
25 That may be so , but it does not prevent people in our field from continually falling into the error of supposing that a solution designed to match one problem must be applicable to quite a different problem as well .
26 Age Concern believes that convalescent facilities must be available to all elderly patients who require them .
27 That information must be available to the regulator , and it is .
28 Does the Secretary of State accept that if local government is to be local , it is essential that we do not repeat the mistakes of the 1973-74 reorganisation and that any reorganisation must be acceptable to local people ?
29 Each element or group of elements has its own particular trademark , which can not be copied , so that these two yellow lines must be due to sodium and nothing else .
30 If racing 's your game … then the odds of you dreaming about leading a winning horse in after a big race must be 2 to 1 on …
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