Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] over a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had also fallen foul of the rules , with a controversial decision over a free drop during the final round .
2 This was no easy task as the Lincoln would be flying at low level over a featureless jungle and the bomb aimer had to be quick in identifying each datum point on the route into and out of the target point .
3 Norm had to call her , then shake her , and she would stagger downstairs and hang like an exhausted alcoholic over a clutched mug of coffee .
4 It is the startling and complete change over a large area that we have most to distrust .
5 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
6 Instead that sense has to be nurtured by more direct experience over a long period of time .
7 Aguirre , previously thought of as one of the President 's most loyal officers , described it as " unfair and unjust " and stated that a leader who was incapable of " making a just and proper decision over a simple matter such as appointments can not be expected to make correct decisions about the complex affairs of state " .
8 This was all a glossy shell over an insubstantial interior .
9 Offensive odours which emanate from domestic or industrial premises can cause serious annoyance to persons in the locality , and inevitably give rise to public concern , spreading as they do in some cases over a wide area .
10 Typically , individual therapy involves 12–20 sessions of 45–60 minutes over a three-month period .
11 Once it had been on the top deck of a multistorey car park in town , with shoppers passing only a few feet away on the other side of a layer of tinted glass , and she 'd felt like a tight-fitting skin over a multiple explosion that was sounding off again and again and again .
12 According to a spokeswoman for the Fraud Squad , he is alleged to have stolen more than £130,000 from the Inland Revenue over a four-year period .
13 For example , there was some confusion over a recent policy decision to allow OICs greater autonomy in the use and administration of their budgets , without any clear guidelines as to what this meant in practice , or when it would take effect .
14 By adding these potatoes , a bulky food of reasonably high-fibre content , they actually lost some weight over a three-month period !
15 Having a naturally restrained appetite , which probably means that you are only a few pounds overweight and have gained this weight over a lengthy period .
16 Enhanced attenuation over a suitable range of frequency outside the pass band is attained by making the shunt arm series resonant in the case of a T-type m-derived section , or the series arm parallel resonant in the case of a Π-type m-derived section .
17 According to government estimates , the Soufriere geothermal project could potentially provide electricity for around a quarter of the island 's population and saved about US$250 million in foreign exchange over a 30-year period .
18 I found my feet , staggered a couple of paces and spewed undigested fried chicken over a light-coloured WV Golf .
19 We want to research whether this campaign over a short period of time can improve this situation . ’
20 The explanation is that , given a totally unvarying diet over a long period of time , especially if it is from kittenhood right through into adult life , a cat 's ‘ food variety mechanism ’ gets worn down and is finally switched off altogether .
21 His untiring efforts over a 27-year period include developing services for the mentally handicapped in Cleveland , including setting up a joint unit of Venture Scouts and Ranger Guides .
22 In this case , the researcher asks the subjects of the research to keep a detailed diary over a given period .
23 A healthy rise of pressure over the UK on the 30th and 31st heralded a complete change of weather type and the resultant anticyclone of 1040 millibars central pressure gave over six hours of bright sunshine and calm conditions over a good part of the mainland .
24 Newton was one of them , and in spite of public fears over a similar junction elsewhere , it had been given the go-ahead .
25 But it is encapsulated in the phrase that she was subjected to sadistic behaviour over a lengthy period of time which she accepted because she was in love with him .
26 With enormous gains in the white-collar suburbs , Labour became the party of bureaucrats , administrators and a progressive intelligentsia , all predisposed to seeing a greater share of public control over an increasing range of national affairs .
27 Occupational , family and residential histories over a twenty-year period will elucidate and Aberdonians ' relationship to and experience of the oil industry across generations .
28 Compressors in heat pumps need to give high efficiency over a wide range of operating temperatures , but those developed for refrigeration tend to be designed for a comparatively narrow range .
29 In tendering his resignation , Mr Adamec cited undue pressure from the opposition in the haggling this week over a new cabinet as the main reason .
30 He went on ‘ improving ’ this poem over a long period of years so that the text usually printed shows many alterations from the original .
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