Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] should be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The special educational needs should be met as far as possible within the normal educational system , and parental views should be taken into account in making provision for particular children .
2 Politicians fueled rather than played down the belief that Britain should become , in the words of one politician , " a land fit for heroes " once " the war to end all wars " was won — in other words , that provision should be made for those who had fought for King and Country .
3 Compliance with the associated rules should be discussed with Compliance Unit , London .
4 In the case of a crossing split into two crossings by a central reservation each crossing should be classed as separate crossings .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that that money should be intended for pupils ?
6 Having been taught that , at a time when priests were not disagreed with , it is small wonder that John Kennedy should have involved himself , and thousands after him , in an anti-Communist crusade in Vietnam ; that Joseph McCarthy should have conducted his anti-Communist witch-hunts ; or that Casey should have made the fight against Communism his life 's work , even asking that money should be given after his death not for flowers , but for the contras .
7 In one text Paul appears to be of the same view ; but in another Papinian takes the opposite line , on the basis that the testator had in mind not that payment should be made only if a condition of surviving to a certain age was met , but that payment should be deferred to that point in time .
8 Only people who decline to join that reserve should be included in an unemployment register .
9 Yet the tradition of the Germanic tribes was that judgement should be pronounced by the whole body of freemen , by all the ‘ suitors ’ , all those who had the right and duty of regular attendance at the court ; and the jurisdiction of the old royal and popular courts was cut across here , there and everywhere by the numerous feudal courts erected in increasing numbers on the basis of royal grant or mere usurpation from the ninth century onwards , and in the eleventh and twelfth by the appearance of borough courts and town courts of various kinds and courts which merchants set up to handle their own problems , which could hardly be handled by the warrior president or the yokel suitors of a popular court .
10 Then the letter containing the promise declared on is said to specify what the assistance would be , namely , £150 per annum during the uncle 's life , and until the plaintiffs professional income should be acknowledged by him to exceed 600 guineas ; and a further averment , that the plaintiff , relying upon his promise , without any revocation on the part of the uncle , did marry Ellen Nicholl .
11 Similarly you may have combined with your application for judgment one for an interim award and it would be absurd that the benefit of that award should be lost in providing the costs of the action thus far .
12 From late 1530 onwards , Henry became even more determined not only that his matrimonial case should be heard in England , but also that he should reassert his imperial status which had been usurped by the papacy .
13 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
14 but where there are no formal rights of way the position is that permission should be obtained from the landowners .
15 The consultation period on agricultural proposals should be increased from 1 to 3 months .
16 As far as possible monitoring should be undertaken by the person in charge of the trial except where specialist techniques or material are needed such as bacteriological monitoring for disinfectant performance .
17 For changes proposed during the development of a sub-system , each change should be referred to the Development Manager .
18 Disruption of normal activities should be kept to a minimum .
19 In contrast the long-wave school focuses more precisely on technology , though it is notable that much of the debate within that school has been about what causes technological change and how that change should be seen as part of a wider system .
20 It has been said that the Court should consider an interim sum ‘ which would alleviate or mitigate the sufferings or hardships of the pursuer as a result of the injuries during the interim period until the case is finally decided ’ but , more recently , some judges have been persuaded that there is no reason why the interim payment should be restricted to the period up to the date of Proof and that if some estimate of the full value of the claim can be made , the pursuer is entitled to receive a significant portion thereof .
21 Whenever possible provision should be made for relocating or retraining dismissed staff , not only because of the personal benefits to those involved , but also because of the effects on the remaining staff 's morale .
22 It also ordered that the cases of all remaining political prisoners should be considered before its next meeting .
23 In my Bill , for which I seek a Second Reading today , the provision is that Parliament should be elected by the single transferable vote in the first instance , but thereafter , in subsequent elections , Parliament should be free to determine its own electoral system as long as that is consistent with the principles of proportionality .
24 It went on to accept ‘ the principle that professional experience should be based on theoretical completeness , and that training in often petty procedures during the earlier years in professional offices has little bearing on the exercise of professional judgement . ’
25 From a social efficiency point of view , the methods chosen in any specific instance should be determined by efficiency considerations .
26 If it is desired to resume possession of part of the property to be let to a tenant , that part should be demised by a separate lease .
27 The Detailed Spectrum Investigation team recommends that spectrum should be rearranged in some bands but that any shortfall should be recovered from improved frequency management techniques in other bands .
28 Agreement was reached at the European council at Edinburgh in December nineteen ninety two that the European parliament should be enlarged by allocating additional seats to some member states .
29 ‘ Terrorism is to be condemned from whatever quarter and in an effort to do so the same rules of descriptive terminology should be applied to all victims , ’ Mr McMichael added .
30 Enquiries about certification for European projects should be directed to .
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