Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] now [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Further work now requires to be done on more ‘ in-depth ’ evaluation of this involvement .
2 However , this process now needs to be spelled out a little more clearly if we are to gain insight into the effectiveness of the increase in money supply on the level of interest rates .
3 We have failed to grasp it and , although some of the eastern European countries now seem to be succeeding in the adaptation to a market economy , many others , including Russia , are likely to fail .
4 The IFS argues that a similar change now needs to be made to employers ' contributions .
5 Really serious attention now had to be given to the reconstruction or replacement of the Company 's rolling stock and although the ex-Croydon cars were in better condition than their own , it was decided to rebuild the J type cars on the Sutton route and not to commission any more ex-Croydon cars for service .
6 Fergie is understood to have been offered a lump sum and a handsome yearly allowance of around Pounds 150,000 but the sticking point now appears to be the extent of Andrew 's access to their two children Beatrice and Eugenie .
7 Many of the arcuate lengths of contemporary coastlines now seem to be the edges of Triassic basins .
8 That self now needed to be discovered — but where ?
9 Between 2% and 4% of Britain 's economic output now needs to be redirected abroad .
10 Mrs Holloway says that she 's sad that a once great industry now seems to be in terminal decline .
11 I am glad to see that at last many parents now appear to be doing this .
12 Indeed , the key choice many managers now seem to be making is whether they develop their own system or buy one ‘ off the shelf ’ from several management consultants in the field .
13 The previously unthinkable prospect of a non-academic career now began to be thought — with fear , dismay and bewilderment on Robyn 's part .
14 Extra development control powers applied to these areas , and all substantial developments now have to be referred to the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
15 This supportive advice now falls to be considered by the Lord Chancellor and the designated judges , alongside the advice from the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee which recommended that the application be rejected .
16 The arguments against restorative proctocolectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis on the grounds that the operation carries a much greater morbidity than ileorectal anastomosis now seem to be unfounded , particularly when the need for annual and sometimes difficult sigmoidoscopy after ileorectal anastomosis is considered .
17 Those troubles now appear to be over , but Aerolineas Argentinas is still losing money .
18 In his last few years Kuypers and Gabriella Ugolini made use of viruses which travel into the nervous system and multiply in a pathway so that they cross nervous junctions and spread detectably along a whole connected system : a quite novel labelling technique whose full potential now remains to be realised .
19 Indeed , in Britain , the short-lived post-Thatcher pro-Europeanism has been dissipated in a wave of Atlanticism and jingoism — talk of political union now seems to be off the agenda .
20 Whether enforcement agents are concerned with air or water' pollution control , consumer protection , health and safety at work , housing , discrimination , wage and price control , or the many other areas of social and economic life now considered to be the law 's business , writers have observed a style of enforcement which seems to be predominantly conciliatory .
21 Items of trade destined for southern Germany now had to be transported across the Corridor and then down the length of Germany .
22 With the certification of 1988–9 pilots due next year , the first steps now have to be taken to move towards the new assessment procedures .
23 A claim for exemplary damages now has to be expressly pleaded , reversing the rule stated in Broome v Cassell & Co Ltd ( RSC Ord 18 , r8(3) ) .
24 The paper argues that these various mechanisms now need to be harmonised .
25 He is ambitious , but rebellion of any overt kind now appears to be out .
26 This hole , which runs parallel to the 10th , is not that long ( 420 yards ) , but that downhill run of nearly 60 feet now has to be traversed in the opposite direction .
27 Due to the development of an instrument which can staple the ends of the rectum together lower than was previously possible , fewer abdomino-perineal resections now need to be performed .
28 What was previously assumed to be given for a single capital now needs to be explained .
29 It is evident that in many of our residential areas no such balance any longer exists , for the street has been given over entirely to the car , with other functions now expected to be subordinate to it .
30 While the top three or four companies now seem to be in reasonable financial shape it is the medium-sized firms in the top thirty that are feeling the pressure .
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