Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] will [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That colt will only run if something goes amiss with Magic Ring , and consequently , he is more likely to make his seasonal reappearance in the Sidney Thompson Memorial Stakes at Brighton on Monday .
2 This trick will only work if the spacing values for the fonts , the metrics , match exactly which , in Bitstream 's case , they seem to .
3 As any agreement between the parties will be covered by the rest of the section , this subsection will only apply where there is no agreement between the parties and the plaintiff comes upon an already existing risk .
4 Thus , when the UK figure rises the Scottish figure will also rise but at a higher rate and likewise decrease at a faster rate when the UK figure falls .
5 ( c ) Management problems Where a practice is carried on in a number of different locations : ( 1 ) rivalry between different offices will naturally occur and is generally healthy , but the partners should not overlook the potential for a fissiparous tendency to develop .
6 Good historical practice will usually ensure that the attainment targets are covered many times over in the course of the work .
7 This committee will eventually report and the Bill will then proceed in the normal way , via the committee , report and third-reading stages .
8 The trick , of course , is to give young heroes quick wits and ingenuity as well as an impetuous and opportunist temperament , so that any opening for individual enterprise against the enemy can be plausibly taken : at the same time the status and responsibility of a midshipman , however young , which allows him to direct his seniors in dangerous and often illicit exploits will also ensure that he will have the backing of those older men and the support of their common sense , experience and physical strength .
9 My hon. Friend will also know that as part of ’ Defence for the 90s ’ we are reviewing the scope of naval support , although as I made clear in July , there will be a continuing naval presence at Portland .
10 The hon. Gentleman will probably know that the authorities who deal with Westminster Hall do not consider that the use that he has suggested for it would be appropriate ; nor , I think , would the vast majority of hon. Members .
11 The right hon. Gentleman will also know that there is a recession in many other parts of the world as a result of the general world trading conditions .
12 This rate will only apply if a sale is successfully completed .
13 Compliance with ‘ proper local authority accounting practices ’ and with this Code will normally mean that the accounts ‘ present fairly ’ the financial position and transactions .
14 The British people will also note that all that came from the spokesman for the Government who have raised the tax burden to its highest level in British history .
15 That entity must be based on consensus and it must be one to which the British people will willingly belong because they appreciate the advantages to which the hon. Member for Chichester has already referred .
16 If the sexual thwarting becomes acute enough , some cats will even masturbate or attempt to mate with inanimate objects .
17 Pro and anti-bolters must now show less fanaticism in their activities and this policy will only work if everyone makes an effort to operate within the guidelines .
18 It is now to be hoped that your editorial policy will quickly realise that to in any way publicise this loathsome ‘ sport ’ is counter to your normal upholding of standards of common decency .
19 Some mares will actually stand and paw at a paddock fence because they want to get to a stallion that is a couple of paddocks away — consequently they are likely to cut a leg or rip off a shoe if the bottom wire of the fence is too close to the ground .
20 Congress , if as a trade union , and if as a labour movement , you stop going forward in campaigning , there 's only one thing that happens you start to go backwards , because this government will always try and take from working class people , all the time .
21 Social species will frequently surround and protect a wounded or younger member of their clan , regardless of who the parents are .
22 ‘ But this situation will never change and I 've told them I do n't want anyone involved in unsavoury incidents . ’
23 This structure will also show that our members ' contributions are spent in an acceptive and efficient manner .
24 All who were present and who sampled Chewton Glen 's luxurious hospitality will undoubtedly hope that the hotel will host further tennis events in the future .
25 It seems likely that the new CPE guidelines to be published later this year will further publicise and extend the acceptability of DIY-structured CPE .
26 This school will never recover as long as you and your wife are here .
27 This extent will inevitably vary and , in consequence , it may prove wiser to provide for alternative approaches within a system than to force patterns of integration on insecure and bewildered teachers .
28 This atmosphere will ultimately emerge as something of immense value when ‘ the kindly light of reason ’ finally sweeps away all the incredible and stifling nonsense , which has been introduced from time to time in futile attempts to counter the inexorable demand that reason and common sense shall ultimately triumph , and replace superstition and blind senseless faith .
29 In each case mentioned , therefore , the employer 's commercial assessment and endeavours or the prevailing economic circumstances will significantly reduce or even remove any prospect the employee might have of being entitled to a compensation award .
30 Additional yaw will also occur if the ailerons are used to try to stop the dropping wing because of the extra aileron drag .
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