Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] there have [been] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Half the racing world seemed to have embraced the occasion , for which after the last race that afternoon there had been much speedy unrolling of glittering black and silver ceiling-to-floor curtaining , transforming the workaday interior of the grandstand into something ephemerally magnificent .
2 In the subsequent experience of the Church in exercising this ministry there have been many instances of failure , partial , delayed and temporary healing , reminding us that we live with the tension of the ‘ now ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Kingdom .
3 In the last few years there has been some debate about the provision , role and effectiveness of postgraduate training in the social sciences in the UK .
4 Over the past few years there have been many reports in the national press advocating that all dwellings should be fitted with smoke detectors .
5 It would certainly be unwise to argue that in this respect there has been any fundamental change in personnel practices in recent years .
6 Under this rubric there have been several locations which in the 1980s , at least at a particular , symbolic level , have lent a rhetorical credibility to the notion of an urban renaissance in many parts of the First World .
7 For this reason there have been fewer and fewer joint engagements in recent years .
8 In this country there has been some experimenting with different sorts of cell groups .
9 In the past 10 years there have been many suggestions of an increased incidence of cancer , or of clusters of cases , in the vicinity of nuclear installations .
10 Since those early days there have been many sea chases with much bigger things at stake , but broadly speaking the same rules apply , although it is sometimes difficult to be dispassionate where hard drugs are concerned .
11 I do not think that in either case there has been any failure in interpretation of the ideas proposed , but rather that accommodation has been too readily accorded .
12 But according to these figures there 's been some jiggery-pokery with the room rates .
13 That night there had been much wine at dinner and Flavia , though far from drunk , felt warmed , free .
14 For many years there has been much debate in the UK about who should care for diabetic patients — general practitioners or hospital-based doctors .
15 Before the General Election there had been some talk of revising Crime Has No Boundaries , after Quintin Hogg had written to Heath calling for a ‘ refurbishment ’ of policies towards crime .
16 On the one hand there have been those who have claimed that , at least in the early days , the campaign was no more than the minority group Moral Re-Armament ( MRA ) by a different name ; on the other there is Mrs Whitehouse herself , who clearly believes that the organisation represents the ‘ silent majority ’ in the country .
17 The waning of enthusiasm for higher education had begun several years before , but this was the first time there had been fewer applicants than places offered .
18 ‘ The rallies were a spontaneous reaction to the troubles of the time and it was the first time there had been any movement like it in Northern Ireland .
19 If we relate this to the changes in the Labrador Sea we see ( Fig. 2 a ) that the only time there has been such a long period with little or no change in salinity , followed by a sudden marked freshening , was the period leading up to the renewal in 1972 .
20 On a more light-hearted matter there have been several amusing items discussed , including a subject that will probably have been a topic of conversation at a few lunch tables — uniforms .
21 The Catch 22 problem was that for several years there had been few big headlines about fusion as no dramatic breakthroughs had been occurring .
22 Since the 16th century legislation has established an inquisitorial form of investigation into the dealings and assets of bankrupts which is calculated to yield potentially incriminating material , and in more recent times there have been many other examples , in widely separated fields , which are probably more numerous than is generally appreciated .
23 One set of 10 pellets was left on a dry ledge against a south facing wall , and after two years there had been some erosion of the surfaces of the pellets but the pellets were still largely intact .
24 In recent years there has been more emphasis on the objectives of library services , and less upon quantitative measures .
25 In recent years there has been some evidence that they are even more evasive , changing identity by oscillating from one type of neutrino to another .
26 In recent years there has been some awareness on the part of planners of the role of rural planning policies in exaggerating the scarcity of rural housing and achieving comparatively little for those in greatest housing need .
27 In recent years there have been many attacks on what is sometimes called the classic realist novel on similar grounds : that far from being a means of communication it is a means of ideological domination and repression , reproducing on the cultural level the processes of industrial capitalism , making its audience passive consumers , reconciling them to their alienated state instead of liberating them from it , by making it appear normal or natural .
28 In recent years there have been some significant advances in studying the auditory system , especially in the analysis of computational maps that recode intensity and phase differences in the two ears into the representation of auditory space ( Knudsen , DuLac , and Esterly 1987 ) , but this work has focused on subcortical mechanisms .
29 Our knowledge of life histories of most deep-sea ophiuroids is poor ( see Tyler , 1980 for a review ) although in recent years there have been several accounts of the reproductive biology of the more common species ( Schoener 1968 , 1972 : Tyler & Gage 1979 , 1980 , 1982 ; Gage & Tyler , 1981 , 1982 ) together with some work on the post-larval stages ( Schoener 1967 , 1969 ; Gage & Tyler 1981 ) .
30 In recent years there have been several judicial attempts to define the scope of the doctrine .
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