Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] could be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The heir to one of Gloucestershire 's largest estates could be sent to prison after admitting a drink-driving offence .
2 The relative lack of progress on START and in particular the multilateral CFE negotiations ( being conducted in Vienna within the framework of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , CSCE — see p. 37335 ) since the Malta summit were widely attributed to Soviet concern over the pace and implications of German unification , and whether a unified Germany could be allowed to be a member of NATO .
3 Almost a hundred years later the Levellers , in the Putney debates , were to reach deadlock over the problem whether men without an assured livelihood could be admitted to the political nation .
4 Nos. 36 and 51 , retained at Sutton for short workings , were transferred to Penge , as any car from that batch could be sent to Sutton at short notice when required .
5 Further improvements could be made to either a tree or a trie structure by using a method of tail end compression ( section 3.2.5 ) .
6 In addition this ban could be applied to all political parties in a locality for up to three months .
7 If coherence of this kind could be brought to the conduct of government policy , the prospects for the economy remain far from forlorn .
8 International diplomatic efforts during April were directed first towards an emergency relief operation , then towards finding a framework within which adequate protection could be provided to Kurds within Iraq itself .
9 This analogy could be extended to the source and application of funds statement .
10 The problem of conserving the noble land fund was the central preoccupation of a high-powered ministerial conference which Nicholas set up in 1897 to consider what further aid could be given to the nobility .
11 This reasoning could be applied to claims by or against the United States with respect to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea .
12 In this way popular schools could be allowed to ‘ expand ’ by increasing their pupil numbers , whilst unpopular schools would be allowed to contract — and in some cases would cease to be viable .
13 ( If more volume really were needed then the direct outputs could be fed to a stereo power amp and then to additional speakers , but I 'm sure Marshall have aimed the S80 at a specific player who would find its volume adequate and who , if he or she needed more , would probably upgrade to a more powerful Marshall product . )
14 If there were not sufficient expectation that a failed , conventionally organised enterprise could be restored to viability as an industrial co-operative , the injection of resources into it would divert them from more promising projects .
15 This concept could be applied to the machine-readable database in very literal ways .
16 The principles of historical criticism could be applied to religious disciplines other than biblical ones , most notably to the development of doctrine .
17 Are you keeping that sort of thing that that in some ways could be considered to be a system .
18 This arrangement could be extended to any group in the health service prepared to give a similar pledge .
19 ( Under certain circumstances the DH have indicated that this limit could be dropped to 9000 . )
20 Not all this success could be credited to the EEC however .
21 If this flow could be transported to North Wales , it would stand half as high as Snowdon ; if it could be transported to Surrey , it would be half as high again as the highest hill , and , such is the attraction of all high objects from mountains to the cost of living , it would be an important landmark , regularly thronged in summer with picnickers and ramblers , and would feature on scores of postcards .
22 This interpretation could be applied to computer records , although some commentators have noted that where a document has undergone processing , as well as recording , it will not apply .
23 Much of this statement could be applied to Aquitaine .
24 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
25 ‘ There is a possibility that some information could be lost to us forever — but at the moment we do n't really know .
26 This information could be given to the members of the company as a separate statement .
27 This analysis could be said to be self-serving , yet it is not without justification ; the president was never as powerful as the critics suggested .
28 As the prevalence of bloodborne viruses varies and the risk of acquiring infection is proportional to this prevalence , it was unfortunately then argued that universal precautions could be restricted to areas with a high prevalence .
29 ‘ But I deplore the thought that very large chunks of public expenditure could be devoted to people who are no more dependent on farming for their livings than you or me . ’
30 In revolutionary France the Legislative Assembly set up in October 1791 a permanent diplomatic committee before which the foreign minister could be called to account ; and this process was pushed to its logical conclusion when in April 1794 the Convention abolished the ministry of foreign affairs and replaced it with a Commission of Foreign Relations subject to the Committee of Public Safety .
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