Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] was [not/n't] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Merger with the Southampton based British Seafarers was not merely a convenience , but a necessity , and Wilson , writing in his journal The Seaman exulted that " Shinwell 's patched up old derelict has run bow against the rock of the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union and ignominiously gone to the bottom " Later he gave his own version of how Shinwell had flattered the susceptible French into leaving to him the day-today business of the Glasgow branch and poisoned the minds of the members against him .
2 This work was not merely a move towards understanding molecular bonding but also the material for an entire branch of chemistry .
3 This match was not just a game , it was a landmark and to all intents and purposes one ignored by the BBC .
4 Perhaps more of us would have accepted that marriage was not necessarily a licence for eternal happiness if those in the position to influence us — such as agony aunt Marje Proops — had been as honest as Mr and Mrs Toye .
5 Simon 's shift of approach away from Chadwick 's grand sanitary plan was not only an administrative necessity in the face of political opposition , it was also an acknowledgment of this difficulty .
6 To attract bigger audiences was not just a bonus , it was part of the whole logic of the industry .
7 Arthur de la Mare of the British Foreign Office remarked that one of the most noteworthy features of the broadcast by Hugh Borton and Edwin Martin was Borton 's admission that the failure of the Joint Commission was not entirely an American responsibility , ‘ nor was it entirely the Russians ’ .
8 It was this aspect of Althusserian theory , perhaps more than any other , that led many orthodox Marxists to consider that Althusser was not really a Marxist at all .
9 Like getting wrapped up in the Masai , getting wrapped up in Indirect Rule was not inherently a passive occupation ; it seems in retrospect extraordinary that something to which so much energy was in fact devoted should ever have been perceived as a sign of imperial decrepitude .
10 At the same time , a notion that the Capetian king was not only an overlord but ‘ sovereign ’ in his kingdom had also evolved .
11 The point is that the monastic system was not just a spontaneous occurrence .
12 The social desirability of either position was not really an issue , although needless to say it was copiously referred to .
13 This savage act was not simply an act of mindless brutality against a rival for power .
14 The Great Scourge was not only a vigorous purity polemic , it mobilized the evidence of countless medics to insist that up to eighty per cent of the male population was infected with gonorrhoea — the race poison of the eugenists .
15 My position as a leader of a great party was not altogether a comfortable one .
16 For Mrs walker , that periosd was not only a worryiong time but a costly one .
17 The fourth group was n't really a group at all .
18 Despite what he saw as her sweetness — her innocence — he sensed at times that physical contact was n't just a remote dream .
19 The ability to propagate cracks freely under a small stress was not wholly a disadvantage to primitive man who was thus able to shape flint and obsidian , which are more or less natural glasses , into various cutting tools .
20 The first problem was not simply a lack of data : indeed , for two years , the EPA , which was funding the programme , could not decide where to start .
21 It was part of the Greek conception of reason , after all , that reason was not just a purely intellectual affair but carried over into the life-world , with considerable practical implications .
22 For at least some Western observers Soviet action was not simply a violation of international agreements but an attempt to establish a greater degree of influence in the Persian Gulf , an area of enormous significance for Western oil supplies and one in which the Western position had already been weakened by the overthrow of the Shah of Iran .
23 While the religious influence continued to be a factor , the new movement was not simply an extension of the evangelical impulse ; it involved that impulse , but more besides .
24 Meanwhile , Ken was back on the London stage once more — with the role of one of the ugly sisters in the London Coliseum 's production of Cinderella — which , despite his and other interpretations was not quite a pantomime .
25 I could accept that I had been foolish , but that acceptance was not yet a sufficient antidote for the niggling little pain in my heart .
26 The original lessee was not merely a guarantor or surety .
27 This self-propelled weapon was not yet a serious threat ; it still had an effective range of less than a mile , but the tiny torpedo-boats which were beginning to make their appearance heralded a whole new range of warships for the future .
28 Sometimes dealers and clients alike wondered whether the whole thing was n't just a game of bluff .
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