Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] is for [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In rather special circumstances this can result in the creation of new dislocations but the much more usual effect is for them to repel each other .
2 I 'm making her kick , trying to get her to shake or swat them off , and the last thing I need at this point is for her to panic , in which case I can certainly kiss the whole blessed contract bye-bye .
3 The ideal solution is for her to go to stay with other members of the family to be cared for in their home , or for a relative to come to take over in your absence .
4 We need to reflect , however , on what has just been said : in brief , that for something to be or to have a power in the primary sense is for it to enter into a possible causal circumstance .
5 You are only fifteen , and if your parents will not take responsibility for you , and you will not tell us what you are up at night , the only alternative is for you to go into care .
6 The most painful — ’ He paused , corrected a slip of the tongue , and went on , ‘ The most painless way is for us to keep out of each other 's way until you can leave .
7 One possibility is for you to set aside time to train yourself ( as you 've probably done in the past ) , with structured guidelines from us here .
8 So I will make a personal attack on you the day after to-morrow , when the House will be full , and I will tell you beforehand what I 'm going to say and what the right come-back is for you to score off me .
9 The oth the other , the other option is for us to hold that .
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