Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it be [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He also felt that the evidence of abuse was unconvincing but given the involvement of other agencies in this area it was beyond his remit to challenge it in compiling his advice for the Statement .
2 ‘ Yeah , and this time it 's in his lung . ’
3 If Ackerley derived any satisfaction from this rough , rackety , frustrated life it was in his work at The Listener , where his enlightened editorial policies make him sound like a reviewer 's dream ( he telephoned contributors at midnight to query the removal of a comma ) .
4 Vine-Lott makes the point that as he wants to develop a private client retail system it is in his interest to simplify the system as much as possible .
5 ‘ I rang him — he 'd given me a list of all the Grands Prix contact numbers — but when he came to my hotel the next morning it was of his own accord . ’
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