Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In each case it is submitted that the sentences have to be quashed because there was unreasonable delay in giving the appellant a copy of the committal order , which in each case contained particulars of the facts found as constituting a contempt of court .
2 They would still like to have some toddler swings for the playing field and as an interim measure it was suggested that one of the existing swings should be fitted with a suitable toddler seat .
3 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
4 On the economic side it was believed that customs union , by creating healthy competition and allowing for large-scale production , would have a dynamic effect , leading to higher growth and better living standards .
5 Though cast in a Scottish framework it is hoped that the project will also shed light on the general process of agrarian modernisation in western Europe .
6 In relation to residential preferences it was argued that ‘ it does seem that under conditions of national manufacturing decline , variations in residential attractiveness … have not exerted any obvious influence on manufacturing location trends at the county level , in sharp contrast to trends during the 1960s ’ ( p. 957 ) .
7 In this case it was held that when a lease is made with a Minister in his or her capacity as such , it is made with the Crown ; and that a building is occupied by the Crown even if it is occupied by civil servants from a department other than that of the Minister named as lessee in the lease .
8 in this case it was held that despite knowing that a vehicle had deposited diesel on the road there as no duty to take active steps to prevent another being injured by the negligence of a third party .
9 In this case it was held that payments from an overseas discretionary trust came within Case V of Schedule D. Lord Wrenbury at p541 stated : The test … is … whether there is such an interest in a foreign possession that the party assessed derives income from it .
10 In the development of this shell it is considered that the selection of options itself should drive the commands presented to the user for action .
11 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
12 After a heart-stopping few minutes it was realized that it could be just squeezed through with about three-quarters of an inch to spare .
13 In general the quality of discussion and level of participation were highly praised but in some cases it was thought that staff , who were unfamiliar with validation , were unsure of their role in the event .
14 It was commonly held that the first lord to whom he had sworn fealty had the first call on his service ; but in some cases it was held that the richest fief gave the vassal his strongest obligation ; or again , that it depended on the circumstances , on which lord had the greatest need — a lord must be helped if he was fighting in self-defence , but his claim was less if he was fighting in someone else 's defence ; or the vassal might be expected to fight on both sides , that is to say , to provide troops for both armies .
15 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
16 In 86 per cent of referrals ( 43 cases ) there was legitimate reason to investigate even if in 10 out of the 43 cases it was judged that the public concern was inaccurate .
17 It is interesting to note that the human gastric tumour cell line HGT-1 , which was derived from a primary tumour originating in an non-antral part of the stomach , had histamine 2 receptor which responded , maximally to much higher histamine concentrations of 10 - 3 to 10 - 4 M. Cells from the duodenum did not possess the histamine 2 receptor and in this study it was shown that two colorectal tumour cell lines did not seem to possess histamine 2 receptor indicating location of histamine 2 receptor may be confined to the gastric area .
18 Earlier in this chapter it was argued that the use of DCF was justified on pragmatic as well as theoretical grounds because it provides a single index of value and avoids the necessity for comparing streams of cash flows .
19 At the beginning of this chapter it was suggested that the main features by which we can characterise the wider category of positivist criminology ( and which also serve to distinguish it from classical criminology ) are determinism , differentiation , pathology and the diversion of attention away from crime ( and the criminal law ) to the criminal .
20 In one scientific experiment it was found that a daily increase of log of dietary fibre , by the addition of more fruit , vegetables and wholemeal bread to an ordinary Western diet , increased the number of calories excreted in a bowel movement by nearly go .
21 As a result of this openness it is known that the Secretary of State chose to modify the Mathematics Working Party 's recommendations , particularly in the area of ‘ applied mathematics ’ , that consultation revealed that most of those consulted preferred the stance that the working party had adopted , that the Curriculum Council nevertheless made recommendations which accorded with the Secretary of State 's view and that their recommendations were , not surprisingly , accepted .
22 As part of this programme it was considered that :
23 To keep within this ceiling it was agreed that the rate of growth of agricultural expenditure should be set at 74 per cent of the rate of growth of Community GNP .
24 I like it fine , except for this brushing , I object to all this mess it 's doing and
25 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
26 In some areas it was reported that large numbers of troops had ben deployed to restore order .
27 During this process it was suggested that a dummy engine be installed to save time and weight , but this idea was rejected on the grounds that the idea was for the Norseman to be as live an aircraft as it could be , and for it to taxi from the hangar in which is was being restored , across Howey Bay , to its position on the shoreline , adjacent to where it would be mounted on the pole .
28 NOTE : In this article it is assumed that your machine has a hard disk called C : and MS-DOS is stored in a directory C : \DOS .
29 When the potato was first introduced into the British diet it was regarded as being an aphrodisiac .
30 And I believe er , at this meeting it was revealed that Scottish Homes had received a tender from the West Lothian District Council for this work over a period of ten years for a figure which comes to four hundred thousand pound which , apparently , was the cheapest tender !
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