Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] a new [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But over the past few years a new breed of journalist has evolved — hungry , competitive and aggressive .
2 Even without the works of Picasso and Braque the public saw in this manifestation a new departure in art ; yet in many ways the succès de scandale of the Indépendants was due as much to the poets as to the painters .
3 He gave the French people a new pride in themselves , especially with such successful developments as the nuclear force de frappe ( even though this did not become a realistic deterrent until the later 1970s ) .
4 THIS SUMMER a new type of high-speed craft will join the cut-throat competition to carry gamblers from Hong Kong to the casinos of Macau .
5 For this purpose a new generation of hot cathode machines must be developed .
6 Younis finished the series with 22 wickets a new record for Pakistan in a series in England
7 Although the Gothic novel and the Gothic taste helped to give such houses a new lease of imaginative life , they also assisted in their demolition .
8 The civil division of the Order of the Bath is the jealously guarded preserve of the home civil service , so that every six months a new crop of bureaucrats begin making their way from Companion of the Bath to Knight Commander or Dame Commander to Knight Grand Cross .
9 But it gave its inner-city policy a new direction by stressing the role of private enterprise in economic regeneration .
10 The first is that there is in the developed world a new culture of environmental awareness .
11 In an attempt to overcome these limitations a new technique of waveform detection , based on the variation of phase inductance with rotor position , has been proposed ( Kill and Acarnley , 1984 ) .
12 The Norfolk county gentry began to build fine houses in the town , and to cater for their needs and those of the affluent merchants a new group of professional men , notably attorneys , architects and physicians , set up trade and flourished , as did their fellow professionals in other provincial towns .
13 THE dramatic arrival of Dean Saunders has given Dalian Atkinson a new lease of life at Aston Villa .
14 This Caribbean island complex seta a new standard in escapist luxury .
15 Things may not be as bad as they seem , and some thorough maintenance work may give your existing windows a new lease of life and save you a lot of money .
16 Unfortunately , two of the people I spoke to did n't know there was more than one strip on the race-course and the one who did — a non-pilot — failed to tell me that Newbury was busy building a new runway in the centre of the course .
17 Knighton is ready to offer the Manchester United boss a new deal on the 50.6 per cent shareholding which he sought to buy from Edwards for £10m , and which is now the subject of a damaging legal wrangle in the High Court .
18 Enya has just released her Shepherd 's Moon album , Clannad are busy writing a new album of th
19 The puppy often gives the older dog a new lease of life .
20 With the American-funded boom sweeping Europe a new generation of American tycoons was arriving too .
21 On each call a new set of window registers is allocated .
22 A new R. A. F. camp , to which I was duly sent , had just been opened and was still partly empty when one day a new batch of prisoners was announced .
23 With his low-crowned hat and antiquated clerical costume , his broad scholarship and unenthusiastic divinity , his uncompromising insistence on ancient rights ( especially in chapter ) , his belief that land and ‘ the funds ’ were the only proper investment for the college and industrial shares a new form of the South Sea Bubble , he seemed to have stepped out of the eighteenth century .
24 And so to take examples among longer poems a new kind of satire , Dryden 's Absalom and Achitophel , is in fact a mock-epic , attacking and yet leaning for support upon Milton 's Paradise Lost ; even the extremely violent novelty of T. S. Eliot 's The Waste Land reminds us of a Renaissance or Arthurian version of its text , which is rarely present on the surface but against which the poem reverberates and resounds most deeply .
25 For several years a new model for nursing has been researched , written about and tried out which allocates a number of patients rather than tasks to each nurse .
26 While the Beaux-Arts reflected both this new national conceit and the megalomania of American railroad companies , it also offered American architects a new means to self-assertion through the railway station .
27 They hatch very quickly and at the same time a new generation of workers and soldiers emerge from the stored pupae .
28 By the nineteenth century a new hierarchy of provincial towns had been established , led by manufacturing settlements that were often not even dignified by the title of borough , let alone that of a city .
29 Each year a new ring of tubes grows .
30 Peter Smith believes that in recent years a new type of upward influence has developed called ‘ whistle blowing ’ .
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