Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] a [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 26-strong team has quickly set up an operating theatre , resuscitation area , X-ray department and a ward in two rooms in the British base a former school at Vitez .
2 Before concluding this chapter a few remarks on the subject of doubling strings by wind may be useful .
3 At this Conference a former member of Edenderry , the Reverend John England , General Secretary for Home Missions , was inducted as Vice-President of the Conference and President of the Church .
4 Instead he had worked for several years for Lintas , the advertising agency owned by Unilever , only abandoning this job a few months before war broke out in order to concentrate for a period entirely on his painting .
5 ‘ There was another accident a little way down the carriageway and people slowed down to rubberbeck and drove into the back of each other . ’
6 First , at this juncture a few points in regard to what might be meant by ‘ baroque ’ .
7 He taught at the College of Further Education a few miles from Spaxton ; she had met him through a rambling club .
8 On the brown surface a few globules of half-sour milk swam and coalesced .
9 Kiernan reports suggestions that Lermontov 's own death ( like Pushkin 's in another duel a few months before ) may have been murder , a murder planned by court reactionaries .
10 Depending on the particular species , dodder vines range from very slender forms as fine as human hair to coarse ones a few millimetres in diameter .
11 And what 's more , if she 'd been about in your time , instead of that man , nice little Neville Chamberlain , she 'd have given your old Hitler a few right-handers below the belt ; and seen to it that Britain was armed to the teeth , with an airforce twice the size of the Luftwaffe instead of a few old men with pitch forks and a handful of plucky chaps like yourself to keep the Nazis out .
12 Stray shots buzzing all around , Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags , just as her ammunition ran out .
13 European intermediaries are accustomed instead to fixed-price offers that are underwritten by domestic institutions a few weeks in advance .
14 The township got electric light a few years ago , yet for as long as anyone could remember power-station cooling stacks had blasted out steam day and night ; the power went to white Johannesburg a few miles down the road .
15 Place a sheet of fine netting a few inches above cabbages and brassicas to keep cabbage white butterflies away .
16 Mother and baby get to know each other a few hours after birth … but for some mothers its a felling they can not appreciate …
17 I can not imagine what sort of place this gentleman imagined he was coming to in bringing the latter , but I must say it struck something of an odd note to see in Darlington Hall these two large silent men staring suspiciously in all directions a few yards from wherever the Italian gentleman happened to be .
18 As she stood on the quayside looking , a little yappy dog scuttered up from the cabin snarling at her bare toes a few inches from the deck , and a woman in maroon trousers and a yellow and orange flowered bikini top bulged over with fiery red flesh looked crossly at Peony .
19 Along the foot of the South Downs north of Chichester there is the well-known Goodwood raised beach at about 30–40 m ( 100–130 ft ) OD , with gravels which are readily recognisable as beach material : a low raised beach a few feet above present high tide level is to be found on the Gower peninsula in South Wales ; on the west coast of Scotland a raised beach at approximately 7 5 m ( 25 ft ) OD occurs on many of the islands , such as Arran , and in many of the lochs .
20 During the day they retreat into shallow burrows a few centimetres below the ground .
21 Hardly the kind of sentiment to galvanise an inexperienced squad a few weeks before its departure for an eight-match tour to New Zealand .
22 He knew , because in a town the size of Plumford everybody knew these things , that Hubert Molland had been given a combined parish a few miles outside Plumford , and that the Mollands were now living in Champney Crucis ; he knew that Kate had left school and was now doing something at the technical college ; and , more importantly , he had heard from Joe that she was going out with the local MP 's youngest son , whose name was Julian and who drove a Triumph Spitfire .
23 I practice a few poses for Marcus .
24 The church took its name from that of an older church a little way off that was demolished to make way for the ramparts of the Porta Romana in 1532 .
25 However , when he met those advisers a few days after assuming office , it was clear that many of them were gravely suspicious of Russian aims in the post-war period .
26 Pulsars are compact stars a few kilometres in diameter with masses around .
27 In three of the six subjects ( responders ) methane excretion showed a pronounced fall a few days after SO 4 was added to the diet , so that by 10 days with added sulphate methane concentration was less than 2 ppm in all samples measured in these three subjects .
28 Black pepper is a proper and good inclusion , because stirring it in to a hot dish a few minutes before serving releases wonderful flavour .
29 Nick took her to a small restaurant a few miles outside Cambridge , where they both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened .
30 Said , ‘ I am not a very political politician , ’ and then proved it by singing ‘ My Darling Clementine ’ live on Irish TV a few hours after an IRA massacre .
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