Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [noun] as [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed one might argue that talk of Jesus as our ‘ brother ’ , emphasizing his humanity , makes Jesus more intrusively male than if one were casting him in the role of the cosmic Christ .
2 Luxury hotels may only allocate twenty per cent of their accommodation , whereas other hotels may regard this type of business as their main source of income and allocate eighty per cent or more of their accommodation and plan their services around this kind of market .
3 Jones had tried various materials and what he now sought was rather clearly defined — are there neutrons of a specific energy or not ? — and his apparatus was almost completed and ready to go ; the chemists by contrast had to do a broader range of experiments as their problem was more subtle — is there fusion and if so by what process ? — and the necessary materials and apparatus had yet to be assembled .
4 Vultur gryphus , I had been told , was not in as grave danger of extinction as its California cousin .
5 They would have been the only outward sign of strain as her voice continued to keep its same even tenor , its same quiet courtesy .
6 Every Buttermere neighbour and old wrestling foe would be given a free mug of beer as his first drink and throughout the day Joseph would ask a little — often useless — favour here , another there in order to keep them within his ken : so that they kept their eyes , he would say to himself , on the signals coming from the flagship .
7 The governor raised his shaggy brows at Flavia Sherman in a theatrical expression of sympathy as her husband launched into a detailed discussion of his hunting plans , and taking her by the elbow , he guided her away towards the waiting throng to begin introducing her .
8 It sounded childish , she knew , but she was unable to prevent the tiny gasps of pleasure as her eyes were assailed at each new turn by ever more glorious sights .
9 Nora was not nearly so impressed by that sort of thing as her cousin but she admitted to herself that it was unlikely a man from such a background would be deceiving Constance .
10 But it was a rather confused piece of reasoning as his article began by conceding that there is strong support for the development of labour policies in the North .
11 The barn was not full , but in some of the stalls on either side of a broad central aisle he could see heaped mountains of grain as his eyes became accustomed to the dark .
12 A note from Bartram in 1745 seems to imply a slight difference of opinion as his account of some American pines had been questioned : ‘ But as I have great opinion of Miller 's learning and judgement , I am engaged in duty and friendship to inform him the best I can . ’
13 He was oblivious to her protestations , his mouth stopped her breath and she tried to fight free , taking in deep gulps of air as his hungry mouth switched to her breasts .
14 Charlemagne himself sometimes referred to royal favour as a sanction , and a ruler with as great conquests of territory as his had many rewards to bestow or withhold .
15 Wives in the land of the Rising Sun enjoy half as many nights of passion as their Western sisters .
16 If they went on seeing each other , would they not eventually produce the same complicatedly beautiful pattern of commitment as her friends had ?
17 She heard his sigh , then he was raising one hand to the dark wealth of hair at the back of her head , drawing her face away from the warm sanctuary of his chest , ignoring her small whimper of protest as his lips descended on hers .
18 Unfortunately , as he reached the critical moment when the knees start to tremble , his war wounded leg had collapsed under him , causing a premature withdrawal and an immediate loss of ardour as his bare bottom came into contact with the mud and water of the cinema bike park .
19 The poor , the unemployed , the homeless , those who have lost and will increasingly lose the small luxuries of hope as our public services continue to decline , our environment gets dirtier and our pride in a compassionate and caring society withers away …
20 The air between Hrun and Liessa crackled with small explosions of charisma as their gazes sought for a hold .
21 You may hear the stirrings of the inner voice of altruism as your three-year-old says things like : ‘ Oh , all right , you have n't had a turn ; you have a go on the swing ’ or ‘ I 'll lead the dog next time ; you have a go now ’ .
22 This was necessary in order to provide the same level of performance as our old manual system where , in order to obtain information on an individual employee , we would simply look at an employee card which was filed in surname order within department ;
23 The larger they become , the more the gap narrows until the £1bn mark is reached : at this point private companies pay the same level of fees as their counterpart plcs .
24 Lesley wants sexual equality , but does n't believe attitudes have yet changed enough : ‘ We do n't yet have true equality ; until we do , women will have to overstress themselves and overprove themselves just to be given the same level of respect as their male peers .
25 The authors ' efforts to extend the book out of Operation C-Chase into a more comprehensive study of BCCI do not exhibit the same grasp of detail , nor contain the same level of tension as their best chapters .
26 He must have had the same kind of feelings as my father had at the prospect of being sent to Fontanellato .
27 Yet , perhaps because the eye and elbow joint develop in the same kind of way as our own eyes and elbows develop , a building process for which we , inside our mothers , claim no credit , we are illogically more impressed by the house .
28 Leonard Aldous used the same tools and made the same type of harness as his predecessors did in medieval times .
29 In addition to dispensing , community pharmacists could offer the same range of services as their hospital counterparts : they could screen and recommend new products to prescribers , analyse prescribing patterns , and ensure safe and appropriate drug therapy since they would have access to patients ' notes .
30 He died on 15th November 1910 whilst living in retirement at Walberswick , Suffolk , and is buried in St. Andrew 's Church in the same plot of ground as his hearing wife Charlotte , and painter son Allan Douglas Davidson ( 1873–1932 ) .
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