Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] as [pron] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Etched into Kinder Scout 's northern flanks , the clough provides pleasant rock-hopping as it twists and turns upwards until you enter a fine , hidden amphitheatre which gives good scrambling up rocky steps .
2 There were rainbow clumps of raw colour which sizzled and suddenly coiled into snakelike forms as she approached and lifted serpentine heads to hiss at her ; there were pouring cascades of things that had appeared to be silk or velvet , but which were molten gold when she got nearer and made her remember Fael-Inis and the cascading River and the salamanders .
3 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
4 Their voices rose , pure and distinct in the clear air as they laughed and shouted to each other .
5 Even depressed Fort William takes on a magnificence from this height as it glitters and reflects the late evening sun .
6 The Japanese like to negotiate each issue as it arises and there is an assumption that each party is prepared to make substantial accommodations to the other .
7 Here in Cripo Rison you can buy as much mercury as you like and no questions are asked .
8 If that is the carrot to persuade this Parliament to give up such independence as it possesses and to move it on from the treaty of Rome , I would want a lot of persuading that that was in our best interests .
9 They can make as much mess as they like and when the weather 's nice they can spill out into the garden . ’
10 If you 're really lucky , you get to fly to Hula Girl Paradise where you can drink as much lemonade as you like and share a jacuzzi with some grass-skirted hula-hula dancers .
11 We do have to look at all our pre-school children as a group who have similar means as they grow and they learn and they develop and I hope that we can continue to push for a co-ordinated approach to the whole range of services that we are o offering to that group of children and to their families .
12 Japan does not have the facilities to produce as much plutonium as it needs and plans to import 153 tonnes of the highly volatile material from Britain and France between 1992 and 2000 .
13 ‘ When my name is cleared , ’ he said thoughtfully , ‘ I 'd like to set you up in better premises , supply you with as much leather as you need and get you an apprentice or two . ’
14 I found I would eat as much of the unrestricted foods as I wanted and I still steadily lost weight .
15 The argument that Linguistics-based courses are impracticable , cited a number of difficulties that are real enough , arguing that there is not time in a course already fragmented , and asserting that there were not enough people equipped to design and teach such courses as we envisaged and advocated .
16 The play follows six women as they laugh and work , flirt and fight their way through a long hard year on the farm .
17 Stunningly visual and full of rich language , Sue Glover 's funny and moving new play follows six women as they laugh and work , flirt and fight their way through a long hard year on the farm .
18 The van slewed wildly , but kept travelling , smoke appearing from its rear tyres as it swerved and skidded back towards the exit .
19 They proceeded slowly in the afternoon sun , Victoria content to gaze up at the massed conifers as they passed and listen to the rhythmic grating of the eight small horse-shoes on the roadway .
20 Rain lifted each and saw how the dark blobs of their shadows stretched to magnified shapes as she held and turned them .
21 In daylight they are only to be seen from ships at sea , when the two smaller petrels appear all dark birds with white rumps as they flutter and dance across the waves .
22 She had waited behind the hedge in the front garden , ready to smuggle him into the house without alerting the neighbours , but he never arrived : she had drunk half a bottle of white wine as she waited and now felt slightly sick .
23 Two swallows , their rapid wings slicing the air like scissors , flashed their white bellies as they turned and dived right in front of her face .
24 POSITION TWO : From the squat , push your right heel into the ground and squeeze your left buttock as you push and lift your left leg behind you .
25 They settled into an amicable silence as they breakfasted and turned the pages .
26 ‘ Everything flat and grey , no real joy over anything , nothing to look forward to , just somehow getting through each day as it comes and giving a sigh of relief when it 's finally over .
27 Make as many photocopies as you need and divide the class into four rocket teams .
28 Because conflict often involves the awareness of being wronged in some way , unresolved past experiences of unfairness , injury or maltreatment can have a powerful effect as we react and respond to more contemporary occurrences .
29 If my comments appear to be churlish , perhaps you would like to attend next year having won as many awards as you did and suffer the embarrassment of being approached by clients and peers to be asked sympathetically whether you had won anything .
30 Despite its sad little economies , Safdarjung 's tomb exudes the flavour of an age not so much decaying miserably into impoverished anonymity as one whoring and drinking itself into extinction .
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