Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] from [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 I argued that there was a lack of clarity ( or clear research evidence ) concerning what these appropriate qualities might be , an unfortunate tendency to abstract approved-of skills from consideration of the contextual circumstances in which they might need to be employed , and an inclination to present a one-sided interpretation of the implications of specialist subject expertise for teaching quality .
2 The British Youth Peace Assembly , a largely Communist gathering , was held in March 1936 , and attracted some support from branches of the Labour League of Youth and from the University Labour Federation .
3 Another facoured delivery system , or vector , is adenovirus : this is a bit bigger , and enters the cell via specific receptors that seem to provide some protection from breakdown of the nucleic acid once inside the human cell .
4 You 've lost your customers and you 've lost Kenny and suddenly you 're employing a goon on a free transfer from Masters of the Universe .
5 Latinos surged up to Hollywood Boulevard , one of the few breakthroughs from south of the Santa Monica Freeway , and trashed better-bred temples of consumption , such as Fredericks of Hollywood , the famous knicker store .
6 The Convention provides first that a diplomatic officer and consular agent may take evidence without compulsion in civil or commercial matters from nationals of the State he represents in aid of proceedings commenced in the courts of the State represented .
7 The meeting comes amid fresh allegations from members of the music panel that they were press-ganged into rubber- stamping the council 's decision to withdraw all subsidy from Kent Opera , although full information about the company was kept from them .
8 You do get some relief from failure of the PC 's own power converter .
9 ( Some cheers from supporters of the away team . )
10 ‘ We are investigating an incident at Randall Lodge , and need all possible assistance from members of the public . ’
11 The county court owes its establishment to the cost and complexity of civil procedure , which persuaded the government of the day to pass the County Courts Act 1846 against much opposition from parts of the legal profession .
12 They will have to make a conscious effort to treat the assessment of need as a separate exercise from consideration of the service response .
13 We allow 7 days from confirmation of the booking for monies to reach us by post .
14 Partial implementation of the system has already shown benefits : half the usual number of engineering changes on one new model ; on another , cost savings of $300m thanks to early suggestions from sections of the company that would not normally have seen designs until they had been fixed .
15 Such Persian names survive in local nomenclature till Roman times : the priests of Artemis at Ephesus went on being called Megabyxoi for centuries after 330 ; or we might compare the place-name Maibozani , recently attested ( JRS , 1975 , p. 65 , line 10 , with p. 73 : a Roman inscription from Ephesus of the first century AD ) .
16 The appearance of such collectors from south of the border ( including one rumoured to have bought the $7.7 million ( £4.2 million ) McCarty-Cooper estate Braque ) was responsible for another interesting appearance that of pesos on the electronic bid boards at both houses .
17 The time limit of three months from notification of the adjudication officer 's decision is important .
18 There were also welcome visits from members of the staff of Strathclyde University 's Law Faculty , delighted that their Library , as well as C.A. , could benefit from the generosity of the W.S. firm which had given important law books .
19 A fine fragment from Argos of the mid seventh century , with the blinding of Polyphemus ( fig. 17 ) , differs in composition and colouring from the run of vase-painting .
20 Indeed Killyleagh 's Cahal Hynds and Barry Montgomery both had chances to seal victory after fine work from Man of the Match Colin Murray .
21 The report blamed police incompetence for the tragedy , and said that the official obsession with keeping it secret had even extended to withholding news from relatives of the dead .
22 Data were also excluded when the child developed severe obstructive symptoms from enlargement of the adenoids or tonsils , often with sleep apnoea that required surgical treatment , and when surgery was required to the unoperated ear — for example , insertion of a ventilation tube for severe collapse of the tympanic membrane or for treatment of cholesteatoma .
23 She has decided that pretty compliments from members of the opposite sex are what , after all , is important in this life .
24 There were very large claims from members of the Territorial Army for loss of earnings and most of them were met in full .
25 As an indirect result of this association 's stormy history , Marx came across socialist revolutionaries from parts of the world about which he know relatively little .
26 To determine whether DP-1 is present in complexes containing Rb , we immunoprecipitated them with an anti-Rb monoclonal antibody from extracts of the human leukaemic cell line JM , which contain high levels of the DRTF1/E2F-Rb complex .
27 The students , all Hindus from colleges of the neighbouring states of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana , had come to Patiala for a students ' festival and were sleeping in a dormitory when they were attacked yesterday .
28 We subsequently decided that a great many staff from parts of the country other than London would appreciate the opportunity to win tickets .
29 When these chambers have been maintained in constant conditions , the electrical activity from slices of the SCN , but not from other regions of the brain , has shown a daily rhythm .
30 Can lead to cynical objections from users of The Rational ; can also spark resentment from those who 've purchased a Rational de Luxe .
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