Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] can be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The impact of this resolutely conservative and often authoritarian political ideology can be felt right across the field of social and economic policy where an idealized and homogenized vision of ‘ The Black Community ’ is the object of a discourse that urges it to take care of its own problems and assume the major burden of managing its own public affairs .
2 In addition copies of the Council 's training notes ‘ Lothian Regional — an Introduction to Council Tax ’ have been made available to your advisers and further copies can be made available free of charge if you would like to take advantage of this .
3 Its ability to trap dust , the ease with which stale and fresh foam can be kept separate without mutual diffusion , and the barriers it offers to the spread of flame or explosion , are all points in its favour .
4 Secondly , a number of views of this procedure can be considered relevant , eg from the point of view of the individual who is concerned with the speedy settlement of claims , the administrative assistant who checks the claims for errors , and the boss who is concerned with the effect on his status if a large number of false claims were to be made , and discovered outside the section .
5 And a cot , mattress and high chair can be made available for toddlers upon request .
6 Long term unemployed people can be given practical help with their job hunting efforts .
7 A detailed analysis of time likely for elements of each job before commencement should be undertaken to indicate ways in which , for example , some stages can be done back-to-back and total time saved .
8 This wet chamber can be considered small for a submerged filter — but the manufacturer 's tests , I am informed , prove that the trickle filter is responsible for most of the filtration and a large submerged filter compartment is not necessary .
9 This assumption can be made explicit by making literal use of an " existence predicate " , and sometimes any residual doubts about what is assumed on a particular occasion can be resolved only by a repeated and emphatic use of such predicates ; but , as is clear from what has been said so far , the use of such predicates is not analogous to acts of property ascription , especially if " properties " are understood in the sense of " accidental properties " .
10 Customs accept that where the optional details are not known , this box can be left blank ( see panel 2 ) .
11 But the relationship of librarians to the developments we have so far examined , including the knowledge and publications explosions , the development of new teaching methods , and the rapid expansion of audio-visual communication media , is something we must now examine in closer detail , so that the later arguments and conclusions of this book can be made clear .
12 The existence of a loving God and the occurrence of some disaster can be made compatible by interpreting the disaster as being sent to try us or to punish us , whichever seems most suited to the situation .
13 In the conduct of fiscal policy the government has to receive Parliamentary approval before proposed changes in taxation or public expenditure can be made effective , and obviously the planning of a Budget and its acceptance by Parliament is a time-consuming process .
14 Even with supplementary feeding , only a few dolphins can be kept alive in such small reserves , which may not be enough to maintain an adequate gene pool .
15 Encouraging dialogue between individual parent and individual teacher so that each child can be given specific help and encouragement , discussion between parent and teacher being seen as a better way of evaluating progress than a written report .
16 A good mind and a warm heart can be made impotent if there is no commitment .
17 Such phenomena can be termed connected speech processes ( CSPs ) , and reflect ease and economy of articulation .
18 Like the Zande they live in the southern Sudan and have been studied by Evans-Pritchard , so that at least the personal equation can be held constant in comparisons between these two cultures .
19 However , we believe there are limitations in the extent to which such impacts can be assigned strict quantitative values .
20 However , we believe there are limitations in the extent to which such impacts can be assigned strict quantitative values .
21 Hobson says that his section failed to meet 25 per cent of its targets last year , and added that " unless substantial additional resources can be made available over the next three years , something will have to give — either substantial slippage on the Environment Protection Act timetable ( which the Director does not recommend ) or opting out of policy development issues ( not easy where there are public commitments or international pressures ) " .
22 individual managers can be held accountable for the profitability of individual products ;
23 The random effect of such variations can be assigned upper and lower bounds , based on a Poisson distribution model .
24 Almond suggests a number of ways in which the ancient idea that the two sexes have — or should have — different moral outlooks can be given new life in the context of modern feminism .
25 If pure sands can be given sufficient organic matter to retain moisture and provide plant nutrients , they need no further structure as the pores between sand particles are large enough to allow drainage and sand can not be compacted into a ‘ pan ’ .
26 Only the official receiver can be appointed interim receiver except in a case where the court has appointed an insolvency practitioner to prepare a report ( under 5 273 ) in which case that insolvency practitioner can be appointed interim receiver .
27 In the meantime modest additional sums have been set aside for research and other support for the subject areas concerned , and some funds are available for further increased infrastructure support once additional accommodation can be made available .
28 A pair of large oil-burners can be salvaged intact here , which the adventurers can use for heating and boiling water for safe drinking , bathing , and cleaning contaminated clothes and armour .
29 Acidic gases can be blown long distances from their sites of release before falling as acid rain .
30 These powers can be exercised irrespective of whether other proceedings ( civil or criminal ) have been brought .
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