Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [adv] great that " in BNC.

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1 Some risks are so great that they can not be tolerated under any circumstances , while others are so low that they can be tolerated without further justification ; between these extremes , assessment is needed .
2 Well , E N V Three is basically a damage limitation exercise , and I think that erm the qualities of this area are so great that er it would be im impossible to envisage
3 The applications of a disciplined spatial intuition to art and design , and to the study of natural morphologies in every conceivable science is so great that perhaps we might think of geometry as a semi autonomous department of mathematics with different as well as overlapping purposes to abstract mathematics .
4 The enormity of this lie was so great that its ripples did in fact spread out one of the lower astral planes as far as the Magical Quarter across the river , where it picked up tremendous velocity from the huge standing wave of power that always hovered there and bounced wildly across the Circle Sea .
5 This problem is so great that it has become fashionable to call for a new kind of organization to put in place of managerial hierarchy , an organization that will better meet the requirements of what is variously called the Information Age , the Services Age or the Post-lndustrial Age .
6 The scale and importance of the nationalized concerns are so great that ministers are not prepared to give their managers a free hand .
7 The contemporary concern was so great that a Royal Commission on Population was set up in 1944 to examine the problem of Britain 's declining rate of population growth .
8 It seemed to me that my personal disaster was so great that hitherto I had not allowed myself to understand it .
9 In short , the obsession with blaming all the supposed ills of the modern world on to the Jews which common to these groups was so great that coherence and intellectual consistency were often disregarded .
10 The demand for places on these workshops was so great that both were held twice ; allowing some 100 college lecturers and senior staff to participate .
11 The breadth of some of these banks is so great that they can not be attributed to marine erosion at low sea levels corresponding with glacial periods : the Nazareth bank near the Maldive Islands is about 350 km ( 220 miles ) long and reaches a maximum breadth of about 100 km ( 60 miles ) and lies almost uniformly at a depth of about 60 m ( 200 ft ) .
12 These variations were so great that he questioned the applicability of formulae which used this approach to sampling .
13 The rights assigned to the empire by these jurists were so great that many cities refused to acknowledge them .
14 The damage done by these species is so great that only rarely do they produce enough identifiable remains for them to be countable .
15 The clubhead is changing from going up to coming down and the resultant force is so great that the wrists break more fully … if you 're relaxed .
16 After the first men were made , it relates , the noise of their many children was so great that the god of the earth could not sleep .
17 The burdens of organising , public speaking and reacting to rapidly changing circumstances were so great that few of those responsible for the new unionism could lay claim to being efficient administrators .
18 This they refused , but the demand for the mauve dye was so great that the Perkins allowed Nicholson to provide supplementary supplies of the dye intermediates .
19 The emotional fervour in support of Saddam Hussein amongst Palestinians living in the occupied territories was so great that Arafat was largely compelled to reject the pro-Western line .
20 Such criticism of American policy would be counter-productive ; the claims on the United States for economic and military assistance were so great that only a limited amount could be given to Korea .
21 The force of their own gravity is so great that their collapse can not be halted at all .
22 What 's interesting is that the contrast between the two cities is so great that they could equally well be at opposite ends of the planet .
23 The damage that goats can inflict on each other with their sharp horns is so great that aggression has become highly ritualised .
24 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
25 The cost of human or animal-borne transport was so great that the economic viability of white farming rapidly declined as the distance from the station increased .
26 Her husband had not realised that she was dying , and the subsequent shock was so great that he became unable to care for his six-year-old daughter who also began to lose weight and perform badly at school .
27 On May 1 the Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia appealed for international aid , saying that " the magnitude of devastation wrought by the latest cyclone is so great that Bangladesh can not face it alone " .
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