Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [vb -s] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Have you made a note of some kind that reminds you to research the blank spots further ?
2 Well there must be another force that makes them see them things must n't there ?
3 ‘ Is there something , ’ George asked icily , ‘ about the atmosphere of this place that causes you to come up with such expressions ?
4 Sometimes I will have abandoned a painting , got really tired of it and feel it 's not getting anywhere , and you will come and make some remark that makes me look at it again and think : oh yes , I could just pull that one together .
5 Where mystics like the author of The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton insist that their apprehension of the divine brings with it a calm joy that has nothing to do with either physical or emotional sensation , these prophetic visionaries feel , like Julian , that the shock of the divine impact has brought them close to death .
6 It 's another thing that makes me wonder if the crazed geniuses who developed the first Intelloids were n't perpetrating some subtly painful joke on the human race .
7 A British company that has nothing to do with the American rail network , Amtrak is expanding and wants to recruit about 200 new franchisees in the next year .
8 But that we get a balance right between the amount of regulations an and the cost of it but that it is in a sense , effective and and the plea I would make to my honourable friend when he considers this P I A prospectus and what should be done and wh to what extent the government feels it should support it , is that what we actually want is not a specific requirement that says you 've got to have this much , that much capital erm and so on , but that there is a function , there is a regular audit trail , there is a a regular , annual look at the figures , the accounts of all these intermediaries , er and firms where the difficulty has been er in the past .
9 If you 're in a bigger practice that means you 've got probably er more opportunity to get more business then that 's the sort of money .
10 However , when the first violin takes up the theme of the lullaby high up in its register , he plays with a pure sweetness that makes him sound like a luminous voice in the distance .
11 We take a frozen river for a long way , a bumpy ride that keeps you concentrating , and when we eventually come off it , there is a lone tree that the dogs pull towards despite our efforts .
12 The caterpillar of a Costa Rican moth , in one of the most extraordinary of all mimicries , has a pattern at its rear end that makes it look like a tiny viper .
13 Robert Goddard 's INTO THE BLUE ( Corgi , £4.99 ) won the W H Smith Good Read Award and is a contemporary mystery that leaves you guessing to the end .
14 This is a very simple program that lets you type in a line of text and details of print size and orientation , it will then produce a banner on your dot matrix printer using the line of text .
15 The Japanese bank that helps you grow .
16 in London in , in a sort of clever way that makes it sound as though there 's some terrific good reasoning for it
17 He 's wearing a crisp white shirt that makes him look tanned .
18 It is a moving story that leaves one marvelling not only at the bravery of Middleton himself but that fate had brought so many courageous men together in the one crew .
19 The muddled thinking that makes us claim at least some vague idea of what God is leads us disastrously to thinking that if we say God can not be one kind of thing we must be saying he is the other .
20 Who can resist that surplus value of necessary superfluousness ( without futility there can be no real sense of luxury ) represented by the random key that allows you to play tracks in any order you like ?
21 I have a folding mac that makes me look like a haystack in the rain , I have an umbrella that would fit most of Dublin under it . ’
22 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
23 It is this incredible flexibility that allows us to juggle page layouts in just a few minutes and produce a fresh piece of artwork each time rather than wait hours , even days , for the re-worked page to come back from the artist 's studio .
24 There is no unique identifier that allows you to accumulate and match data .
25 Maybe it is just the cold air that makes him sound that way .
26 All the time you ought to be asking yourself : " why should anyone believe what I am writing ? " and " what have I noticed in the text or in background , contextual materials that makes me think this ? "
27 If you look closely at the situation and try to understand why it happened , you will be able to adopt an objective approach that stops you feeling anguish , prevents you from feeling a failure .
28 Eva observed : " No matter how devastated people can be there 's a tremendous resilience in the human being that allows him to get up and start again .
29 The point , is that the existence is presupposed of an objective order that enables us to distinguish meaningfully between " x is greater than y and " A judges ( thinks , believes , surmises , etc. ) that is greater than y " .
30 Specially commissioned by The Tea Council , Teapot 2000 has a unique design that allows you to brew it to the exact strength you like , from the first cup to the last .
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