Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 I 've been looking at some of the old programmes that some of the fans brought from those shows , and it was interesting to look back and see the people that I travelled with . ’
2 Time and again their commitment to doing a good job proved stronger than their commitment to looking good and it was out of this honesty that many of the insights ( if such they be ) in this book arose .
3 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
4 And although Ross had insisted on regularly visiting his brother and sister-in-law in hospital , it was on Laura 's own slim shoulders that most of the daily problems had fallen .
5 I had an unpleasant suspicion that some of the letter writers were rather disappointed that 1984 will not see an enormous ministry for rewriting history and so on .
6 In the well-defined types , such as yew , zebrano and walnut , grain is the dominant visual feature and it is in this group that some of the effects most characteristic of good marquetry can be achieved .
7 The growth in pre-school services , which in no way matches parental demand , might be seen as clear evidence that some of the family 's functions in child-rearing , even in the earliest years , are being taken over by professionals ( e.g. nursery teachers and nursery nurses ) and other ‘ specialist ’ child carers ( e.g. child minders ) .
8 It is from this battleground that many of the most successful Orc leaders have emerged .
9 If sufficiently detailed subject headings are assigned to each document in a collection , then there is a high probability that most of the documents relevant to an enquiry will be retrieved in any online search , but only those documents which match the search terms exactly will be recalled .
10 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
11 The Clouds are of immense importance to astronomers , and it is partly for this reason that many of the great new telescopes are being set up south of the equator , where the Clouds are accessible .
12 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
13 Mr Wilson 's further suggestion that all of the blame lies on one side , namely the Protestants and to suggest they leave what is rightfully theirs , shows a contemptuous disregard for these people .
14 I 've got some olive oil but I 've noticed if you look on the olive oil that some of the , some of it is n't mono unsaturates is it , you know , on a lot of it
15 There would , therefore , be the anomalous situation that half of the Scottish Bus Group would be subject to a statutory form of supervision which did not apply to the other half and that would be unsatisfactory .
16 It is the argument of this book that many of the reasons for this are organizational , and that a very considerable change in attitudes and practice results from taking up the administrative implications of all aspects of resource-based learning ( audio-visual , print-form and other ) and putting them to hand .
17 But there is this thing that all of the forms are in the intellect and all of the forms ah are in the intellect and all of the forms do somehow weave together into some sort of unitary thing .
18 It is in this arena that some of the fiercest intellectual fighting about art is taking place , though the contests range wider than the visual arts to politics and economics .
19 It is high time that some of the myths presented by Labour Members were buried once and for all .
20 It is in this context that many of the early technical innovations in the textile industry developed .
21 As a result of this acceptance that some of the facts were incorrect , the board of Lautro , on 26 March 1991 , reconsidered the question whether intervention remained justified , but decided that it remained necessary and desirable in the interests of investors .
22 It was precisely during these remote and largely unrecorded periods that some of the most crucial changes took place .
23 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
24 It is a sad fact that most of the active and supportive Branch members are not the graduates of this world .
25 It was simply guesswork that it was in that place that some of the Western hostages were kept .
26 It is for these reasons that many of the relationships between media content and public perceptions remain at the level of supposition and assertion .
27 The climatic conditions of Scotland and parts of Cumbria and Northumbria are particularly suitable for the production of healthy high quality seed potatoes required for the following year 's crop and it is in these areas that most of the seed potatoes are grown .
28 The Japanese historian Irokawa Daikichi has suggested that it was only when the economic plight of the early 1880s failed to respond to this conventional morality that some of the lower classes were forced to break out of their limitations in the violent incidents of the time .
29 The numbers of Elves had so declined in later years that many of the cities were half empty and many of the lands abandoned .
30 There is a choir which produces things — various medieval and erm renaissance and eighteenth century anthems and so on , and they do a Christmas carol service and so on — and it 's really quite I find it quite nice to come to , because it does n't have the sort of narrow denominationalism that many of the local churches have .
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