Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [vb past] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said it 's not an offence he said if you 've broke down , you ca n't help , he said but you 've got ta really move it so I went round to Paul and there was about seven or eight blokes that pushed it all the way round to Bernie 's .
2 The 12 hours that shook us all
3 Michael felt sick suddenly , the choking kind that made it difficult to swallow .
4 It was this condition that brought him close to his parishioners .
5 He was not good at knowing when a bit of humour would go down well , but by late afternoon there was some news that cheered them all .
6 Murphy has recaptured the old form that earned him two honours with the Ulster senior team , winning one inter-provincial championship at Lahinch , in 1986 .
7 ‘ I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
8 Maybe she had finished with sexual intercourse for ever , maybe it was this possibility that gave her this peculiar conviction of strength , this sense of invulnerability , of certainty , of power .
9 Then , as now , each year could be defined by one king-hell slice of perfect pop that said it all .
10 ‘ You need not fret , ’ she said equably , with the darkling smile that disquieted him more than her enmity .
11 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
12 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
13 It was the dark Raybans that made it impossible to tell what he was thinking .
14 It was the last movement by the spider that recalled to Quinn the tiny detail that eluded him last night .
15 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
16 There was something about the memory of that evening that made him uneasy .
17 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
18 So in this merry mood of self flagellation I shall tell you the story of one monumental cock-up that taught me two very important lessons .
19 But , with a sinking feeling that chilled her more than any explosion of anger on his part , she realised that she was far from sure that such consent would be denied .
20 Like Unix , it started life as a development environment , and like Unix , it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system .
21 It was a last-minute dash that took him five and a half hours to reach Heathrow Airport .
22 Brightness tempted him , and yet many bright pictures he saw were insipid , cold lies that left him unsatisfied .
23 She reached up , holding his face between her hands , drawing his mouth back to hers to kiss him with an open-mouthed urgency that sent them both spinning out of control .
24 The high proportion of royalists looks embarrassing not only for Merton 's thesis but for variants of it which have claimed that it was the political radicalism ( not the puritanism ) of the parliamentary radicals that made them receptive to revolutionary science .
25 Only last year the four-star Tiroler Adler underwent an extensive renovation that made it one of the best hotels in Kirchberg .
26 It was a smell like rotting meat , a rancid , cloying odour that made him nauseous .
27 Nonetheless , it was British fears that began the process of creating a political group ( rather than a religious one ) , and British political tactics to safeguard their continued power that gave it national significance .
28 To get that appointment that gave you that one sale .
29 Their feelings were intense , and he made love to her with an ardour she met and matched with a fiery passion that consumed them both in a blaze of glory .
30 It is certainly amongst the oldest of the European herbs , and it was its very pungency that made it popular with the palates of our tougher ancestors .
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