Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [unc] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm we , we have of course , we 've got a , we have a congress each year , which erm we , each Guild is allowed to send one delegate and so really , we always stress at the top level that erm you know , it 's you that run the Guild you ca n't blame head office , the Nat National Executive , because you 're the ones who send the people to the top , are n't you ?
2 I 'd got a troublesome cough developed , and now looking back through the years , er it would have been a sort of hay-feverish condition that I I have been a bit bothered with .
3 And some places that erm I know that in some places they have their own local way of speaking and then they speak a different way to other folk .
4 Er right , now there was just a few things that er I 've got to ask .
5 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
6 So it seemed to us that the the general sense and purpose of the policy was was not in a sense disputed but that er in order to avoid a leng what was considered at the time to be perhaps unnecessary detail and going into erm too much detail that er we felt that the agricultural land policies could be left to perform the sort of main objective that we were seeking through , I think it was E three at the time , was was the proposed policy .
7 I mean when our researchers were doing our London Guide for nineteen ninety one , they did actually make that point that erm they reckoned that things were overpriced in London .
8 Why on earth on the twenty fifth of August at the social services committee meeting did Labour put an amendment which accepted that there was a vacancy problem I quote from the Labourer , from from Labour amendment that er we do n't agree to closures , fair enough , that 's your position .
9 Which perhaps not revolutionary but to me it was er it was but of all these things that er we 've done lots of things you know , but the thing that I , that stands out in my memory is is that er it 'd be about nineteen forty eight , there was a a one of the old members who I worked with was , lived alone and he was very ill .
10 That is , people writing in the eighteenth century that th you know um it was appropriate for kids to be introduced to sex when they were around y'know sort of seven or eight or something in some cases .
11 It is but then er there are many schemes that er we have that do n't have as good a rate of return as the the blue route , that is an extremely healthy economic rate of return for the outer northern blue route .
12 There 's those coats Gordon , there 's several of them after those coats that er I got ta take them for .
13 Yeah it 's one thing that er we have to reem reemphasize to people and usually I do it on the phone , that if people have got businesses erm the way look at it there 's such a commitment by this company
14 The o one thing that w we have to have in mind though is that the this particular criminal that we are does n't want to get caught .
15 Well , this is certainly one thing that erm we want to look at .
16 Erm the only thing that erm I thought she might er do was erm er something else on a ten year basis , because she 's only fifty six , I mean that 's relatively young , so would you possibly suggest anything that could go for ten or more years ?
17 That 's the only way that any I believe anybody even when they 're on a salary .
18 As requested I wrote and asked about self-catering accommodation at the conference and I received a reply saying that there 's one house that erm she 's come across that she thinks might be particularly suitable for us .
19 Right , now I must n't be seen to be indicating in any way that er you do n't have to bother with it all , because they too put all out some excellent er booklets , brochures I 've got two thick pads of them which I 'll let you circulate .
20 They tend to they tend to be a bit noisier than the others , but actually they are very constructive , and on Banbury School Governors it 's not the political appointees that erm I 've seen as a problem particularly .
21 Put the carpets , put everything in and er and we paid for it and they still go ad now course the national union 's taken it over but when we joined the national union there were two things that er I stipulated before we 'd join .
22 Any other points that erm you want to raise on any of the others then ?
23 So that I think the situation affecting the Greater York area is that there wis there is a requirement to accommodate within the ring part of the needs of the city , and on our best estimate that er I apologize for the word overspill , but it it is descriptive , is of the order of three thousand three hundred dwellings to be accommodated in the ring which after the needs of York .
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