Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [pron] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
2 If you were a professional model I should probably require you to take every stitch of clothing off , let alone your shoes and stockings , and , if you will remember , it is on the grounds of the business-like aspect of this arrangement that I have your aunt 's sanction to paint you .
3 As the young Emperor he had rebuilt the Red Fort in Agra in a new architectural style that he had himself helped to develop .
4 Before long he will be so out of touch with technical matters that he has nothing new to contribute .
5 It is clear even at this early date that he had his eyes on a brigade structure , because his brother William , ‘ Bill ’ , was in process of raising 2 SAS Regiment in Algeria .
6 I I must say I 've also been er you know very very impressed and er learnt quite a lot just attending these courses that you 've you 've got running here .
7 But if we are to understand it , and , particularly , if we are to distinguish within it between cynical accommodation and genuine playfulness , we are going to have to go beyond the embarrassingly inappropriate assumption that it has something to do with ‘ Brechtian ’ distanciation or ‘ modernist ’ self-reflexiveness .
8 Blanche noticed he was not rubbing his hands together : a sure sign that he had something of significance to impart .
9 The concepts of a right and a liberty ( as opposed to freedom generally ) probably originated however , in systems of juridical law , and it is in legal systems that they have their most subtle and interesting applications and most thorough and detailed elaborations .
10 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , wife of the Ambassador to the Sublime Porte in Constantinople , was so impressed with the results of this folk practice by the Sultan 's Greek subjects that she had her children treated and introduced fashionable society to its advantages in 1721 ; as much for the protection of complexion as for the preservation of health .
11 In particular , it may foster the inventor 's ill-informed optimism that he has something which can be developed and exploited for commercial gain .
12 We believe that the Further and Higher Education Bill 's provisions meet the concerns expressed by my hon. Friend the Member for Rutland and Melton ( Mr. Latham ) and by others , and we can categorically reassure those colleges that they have nothing to fear .
13 At one time that you had your nurse confused
14 That walk that I 've one That I 've walked it twice , gone right out Glen Baily and right into Glen Shee and down Blackwater , down to the and come along and round in , thirteen mile Maybe twelve or thirteen miles .
15 On the contrary , it 's part of our ever-changing uniqueness that we have our own opinions and beliefs , that we prefer certain sports , hobbies and interests , that we enjoy the company of some people and not others , that we like certain poets , novelists and playwrights and loathe others — and that is fine .
16 I am distraught to learn of the demise of your mother and shut my ears to the ugly rumour that you had her put to death so that you could take up ballet-dancing .
17 Until recently when I went to a conference on security in libraries and other collections I had not the slightest knowledge of the seamy side of that world or any idea that it had one .
18 You might then wonder what the cutting of the hair had to do with it — well , one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they cluster within individuals and sometimes within an individual 's family , and the reasons for that are that the immune responses that we have we inherit with our genes .
19 I like rich bourgeois food on the rare occasions that I have it .
20 The only clue that they are no longer children is their adult-like assumption that they have something important to say .
21 I 'd like to take you back to that this whole idea that you 've you 've expressed about the idea of of state capitalism .
22 The next time that you have something to celebrate — a new baby , a new wife or even a new government — try a bottle of one of this month 's winning wines , you wo n't be disappointed .
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