Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was not good at knowing when a bit of humour would go down well , but by late afternoon there was some news that cheered them all .
2 They 're interested in the children and in the little bus that picks them all up .
3 She reached up , holding his face between her hands , drawing his mouth back to hers to kiss him with an open-mouthed urgency that sent them both spinning out of control .
4 The high proportion of royalists looks embarrassing not only for Merton 's thesis but for variants of it which have claimed that it was the political radicalism ( not the puritanism ) of the parliamentary radicals that made them receptive to revolutionary science .
5 And about the spider 's web of international capital that links them all — rich and poor , East and West — together .
6 Their feelings were intense , and he made love to her with an ardour she met and matched with a fiery passion that consumed them both in a blaze of glory .
7 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
8 Women seek to prove that they can perform equally with men , without , however , any allowances for those things that make them different , both physiologically and socially .
9 In this kind of house , in this kind of street , they soon collect a grey film that makes them all look much the same .
10 Chronically dry soils lack organic buffers and are often strongly sodic , saline , acid or alkaline , with free soluble salts that make them unattractive for plant colonization .
11 An irresistible softness with an inner strength that made them million sellers .
12 He ridiculed our political system , he scarified our leading politicians , seizing upon their vulnerable points with a destructive analysis that left them bereft of merit or morality .
13 The glow through , er yes the paper was erm , was the same colour all the way through and er , and erm they had quite an impact , but of course they , would only last a year or two er and er they started a small factory in London and , erm call it Hula-Hoops I think er , I do n't know whether Hula-Hoops came from the lighting shades or the lighting shades from the Hula-Hoops , but it was the same process that made them both and er this was erm thin plastic tubing brightly coloured , er which was er cemented together into er
14 The bronze was cast in standard ingots that were about 0.9 metres long with inward-curving sides that made them easier to carry on the shoulder , as shown on one of the contemporary Egyptian tomb paintings depicting Minoan emissaries .
15 So the usual thing eventually after five months waiting for payment is to find out the bloody solicitor that told them this you see and inform the the solicitors that er his client has not yet paid us and we it ought to be done and eventually that 's how we get the money .
16 He was demanding , but so was she , both of them raging out of control , riding the wild storm that flung them helpless before it , clinging to each other as the only certain thing in a world gone mad .
17 They stared at each other in silence for a moment , surprised to find that they shared some fragment of a common cause : the unsolved mysteries that troubled them both , though twenty years and half a world apart , were somehow one and the same .
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