Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [verb] it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said it 's not an offence he said if you 've broke down , you ca n't help , he said but you 've got ta really move it so I went round to Paul and there was about seven or eight blokes that pushed it all the way round to Bernie 's .
2 Michael felt sick suddenly , the choking kind that made it difficult to swallow .
3 By the time I see her put on her high heels that make it worse though .
4 The child will discover from experience whether the sword glows in the presence of evil , does extra damage to the undead , or perhaps is a cursed sword that makes it easier for monsters to find and wound Samson . )
5 It is this balance that keeps it authentic . ’
6 Charities therefore face fluctuating incomes that make it difficult to offer consistent and continuous provision , unless they are big and have endowment or trust income to draw upon — and even then unwise investment policy or a fall in dividends or share prices may affect the level of the service offered .
7 Then , as now , each year could be defined by one king-hell slice of perfect pop that said it all .
8 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
9 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
10 It was the dark Raybans that made it impossible to tell what he was thinking .
11 Melting coastal snow supports an ephemeral algal flora that stains it red or green .
12 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
13 It 's the interchangeableness of this , these words that makes it difficult to understand
14 Like Unix , it started life as a development environment , and like Unix , it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system .
15 The fierce public rivalry between IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp begins to look like the posturing of all-in wrestlers that do it all for show : according to Computer Reseller News , IBM is quietly working with the Redmond dominator to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
16 Only last year the four-star Tiroler Adler underwent an extensive renovation that made it one of the best hotels in Kirchberg .
17 When the sun rises they shine with a brilliant light that makes it impossible to keep one 's eyes fixed upon it .
18 Only so can one appreciate the tactile as well as the visual qualities that render it attractive .
19 Nonetheless , it was British fears that began the process of creating a political group ( rather than a religious one ) , and British political tactics to safeguard their continued power that gave it national significance .
20 It is certainly amongst the oldest of the European herbs , and it was its very pungency that made it popular with the palates of our tougher ancestors .
21 It is the darkness , not the thickness , of the ruled lines that makes it helpful as a guide for writing .
22 Now , as Darwin sees it , at this time , for a change to be an adaptation it must be more than merely hereditary and advantageous ; it must be necessary rather than accidental , elicited , that is , by the very conditions that make it advantageous , as albinism sometimes seems to be by cold .
23 Everything is beautifully played and there is no real lack of vitality , but even the glorious floating ‘ Panorama ’ just lacks that extra imaginative touch that makes it unforgettable .
24 There are , of course , many other important points that I have not touched on , such as the administrative procedures that make it possible to build a power station , the organisation of nuclear safety , and the protection of the environment .
25 More than 400 plants using the technology were licensed and again it was ICI-developed catalysts that made it all possible .
26 We knew what lay down any other road : a political scandal that made it worthwhile for Parliament to get involved in Security .
27 But Christianity is the only religion that makes it clear that only one god exists .
28 The former included in its news report a remark from one analyst that Do It All would ‘ never ’ make a profit , but reserved most of its acidity for its Questor column .
29 My love , no longer inhibited by his existence , presented itself with all the understanding required to bring us together again — the gentleness , the words , the small gestures that make it possible for one person to reveal himself to another and two people to share life .
30 The only thing that makes it bearable is the irrational belief that somebody interesting will come on in a minute …
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