Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for [noun pl] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This course is designed to provide a broad base for students who intend to seek employment in a commercial information processing environment .
2 In S5 and S6 there is ample opportunity for pupils who did not choose a technical subject in S3 to return to one and many senior pupils opt to do this .
3 But if the objective of the advertising for such a brand is , in fact , to talk to newcomers to the market ( and there are always newcomers to any market ) , or to the unconverted , or to disloyal users of other brands , there is , obviously , a very clear , specific case for ads which carry quite a lot of information , presented in a suitably attractive way .
4 There is also immediate oral practice for students which helps them to correct errors on the spot .
5 This can not be logical , and there is some support for landlords who feel justified in requiring the proceeds to be paid to them on the basis that a lease is for a limited duration but the freehold ( where applicable ) is for life .
6 I was pressed with an argument that the assignees were not customers of B.C.C.I. The purpose of the Act was to provide some protection for persons who had chosen to become customers of the bank and who were accepted by the bank as customers .
7 These three modules provide residential experience for students whose needs will vary greatly .
8 Popular strategies for occupations which desire to do this include :
9 One constant factor , unaffected by change of government , but never far below the surface , was an extreme sensitivity about the degree of public support for policies which tended to be perceived ( however misguidedly ) as ‘ soft ’ on crime .
10 He 's won several awards for his radio work and has been praised by top journalists for documentaries he 's come up with for Radio One .
11 What one old-school diplomat called " the telegraphic demoralisation of those who formerly had to act for themselves and are now content to be at the end of the wire " had , it was claimed , given greater effect to the instinctive dislike felt by all foreign ministries for diplomats who showed initiative and were not afraid of responsibility .
12 Adult education , unencumbered by the constraints of certification and examination , has been a popular breeding-ground for courses which focus on women 's cultural and political ideas and activities .
13 Video Plan 10 gives two further ideas for tasks which exploit the visual element of the sequence as it is played .
14 Pocklington beck , which played a large part in the 13th and 14th centuries , though no longer used for the running of mills or for carrot washing , is a favourite place for youngsters who paddle in it or catch tiddlers .
15 This is the favourite place for Romanians who want to make it to the West .
16 In particular , CCETSW 's ( 1987 ) efforts to take a comprehensive approach to social service personnel training , to promote partnerships between employers and educational institutions at the local level , and to issue nationally-recognized credentials for persons who complete approved training , are impressive .
17 The recent introduction of genetically engineered insulin has lead to some problems for diabetics who have changed from animal-derived insulin .
18 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
19 Already that morning she had drunk more than the weekly average for women she 'd noticed displayed on a chart in the Summertown Health Centre waiting-room .
20 In his will he left sizeable sums for schools he had built in his home parishes , as well as for Christ 's Hospital , of which he had been a donation governor in 1833 .
21 There would also be direct payments for landowners who employ organic farming methods , and for those who create or improve wildlife habitats .
22 Mrs Gorman supported TODAY 's campaign for tougher sentences for men who carry out violent crime on women .
23 About 1820 , possibly due to the persuasion and influence of William Gilkison , Galt became the London agent for people in Upper Canada who were trying to obtain compensation from the British Government for losses they had sustained in the 1812/13 war with the U.S.A. He submitted a plan to the Government which led to the creation of the Canada Company , and , as its first Secretary , he was sent to Canada to acquire land .
24 Just move onto the next one then media trainer I started talking to the training school about doing some training for officers it started with C I D cos you often find that a D S is an acting D I and when we asked them to do an interview about a crime or incident they say we 've not done radio interviews before , so Phil has er supported it and we 're gon na run some sort of training scheme one day courses for them .
25 Then Mr. Cannell repeated the process meanwhile providing first-class free entertainment for onlookers who had no intention of buying anything .
26 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
27 The organisation also campaigns for tougher penalties for drivers who kill or injure other road users .
28 Third party test facilities are another option for manufacturers which do not want to invest in their own facilities .
29 The rooms are equipped with bathrooms and convertible sofas for parents who want to stay with their children .
30 Meanwhile , ‘ idealism ’ ( with a small ‘ i ’ ) is a broad philosophical term for theories which work in terms of experience , conceived as ‘ ideas ’ in the mind .
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