Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have not been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The relevant experiment , by Walcott and Michener , has not escaped criticism ; but it is not the only piece of evidence to go against the sun arc hypothesis , and even if that hypothesis has not been definitely refuted , we can say that such imperfect evidence as there is counts against it .
2 I did n't want the child , I was n't at all sure I was going to love it , even — certainly I 'd had no hints up to now that mother-love had n't been completely left out of my make-up .
3 It was also stated that , even at the level of explaining security returns , CAPM tests using historic data have not been terribly successful .
4 The effect of this change has not been as dramatic as had been feared .
5 Therefore , grant-aided benefits and enforced improvements have not been as readily available to rural householders .
6 Prior to this Minton had not been altogether convinced by Freud 's painting , which he had tended to regard as cranky and a bit naïive .
7 Chris explained : ‘ The length of this recession has n't been accurately predicted by anyone — for example , American economists were forecasting that the US would pull out of recession in 1992 , but here we are at the end of the year and nothing much has changed .
8 It is this type of thinking that lies behind the US Justice Department 's Vertical Restraints Guidelines mentioned above , though White ( in this issue ) remarks that these 1985 Guidelines have not been particularly successful in clarifying the issues , and vertical restraints remain an unsatisfactory area of US antitrust policy .
9 Interest-rate subsidies have attracted more notice , but the comparative cost of credits in different currencies has not been much explored .
10 In fact , even this association has not been clearly upheld .
11 This work eventually encountered various great technical difficulties which , it seems , could only be resolved by what most people have regarded as unsatisfactory expedients , and so that the , the system in many ways that he evolved as an answer to this programme has not been commonly held to be entirely satisfactory .
12 We paid over $50m for it , and that , for a small British company in those days going into a market where British companies had n't been notably successful , was seen as a very big commitment .
13 The Race Relations Act 1976 This Act has not been similarly amended and applies only where there are six or more partners .
14 British handhelds have n't been too successful in the past ( remember the Gamate ?
15 While this issue has not been expressly considered , it seems fair to assume that rather than incur the risks inherent in giving the board so wide a discretion , and relying on the usually well-founded assumption that the shareholders ' dominant purpose is to increase their individual wealth , the court , at the price of some distortion , would define the interests of the members exclusively in terms of their personal financial well-being .
16 It seemed all of her father 's old acquaintances had not been too impressed by his choice of wife .
17 I have to be honest and say that the last few years have not been as good as I would have expected .
18 This would suggest that the east-west road at this point had not been substantially modified and that the mid to late second-century redevelopment was confined to the intra-mural zone .
19 If these social problems had not been so evidently worrying , it is highly unlikely that the active citizen would ever have been heard about .
20 The development and dissemination of the family smoking education project were examined as part of the development of the English language version , but the project 's effect on smoking behaviour has not been thoroughly evaluated .
21 To date this explosion has n't been that much more than a damp November 5th squib , although it has undoubtedly increased the awareness of the business community that there is rather more to making a presentation than a hand-written flipchart .
22 Some bookmakers have not been entirely happy with their new placing in the Down Royal set-up and there had been grumblings about taking the matter to a higher authority .
23 The population of this district had not been previously deeply dissatisfied ; but it was natural that they should wish well to people of their own class , supposed to be fighting for higher wages ; and they presently heard with truth that several employers hereabouts had begun to promise higher payments under the dread of seeing the population armed against them . ’
24 Again , I feel that this argument has not been properly thought through .
25 The monastic reform movement did not reach north-west Mercia either , yet this area had not been much influenced by Scandinavian settlement , and it did eventually extend into East Anglia , which had to some degree been so affected .
26 Sir Frank also acknowledges that British ships had not been adequately defended against Exocet , and that there could not have been any control over its sale to third parties as British firms supplied only components .
27 They can therefore be viewed as an attempt to translate the methodological rigours of economic science to the sphere of political behaviour in which , as we have seen , the attempt to develop a scientific approach has not been entirely successful .
28 Biersteker , on Nigeria , argues that : ‘ Indigenization thus encourages a comprador role for local business in a society already plagued by strong comprador tendencies ’ ( 1987b , p.272 ) and that ‘ foreign capital has not been seriously threatened by the indigenization exercise ’ ( p.275 ) .
29 It may be that this relexicalized version has not been actually attested and , may never occur in the future but it acquires normality because it is relatively easy to conceive of a context for it .
30 This pragmatism has not been completely shapeless , however .
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