Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [pers pn] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Air Force will write to his mother if there 's anything to tell , and the awful part of it is that I do n't know where she lives .
2 I would n't call last season debacle making the right decisions , my own personal opinion of him is that he was the right manager to get us out of the second divsion , but I feel that given the players and money avail able to him he maybe could have done better .
3 the real politics of it is that those labels are attached , and you know that as well as I do .
4 Yeah , I think , I think really the er the er overall view of it is that it 's not serious investment , I mean it is just pure flutter .
5 Yeah well it 's no well that sort of it is that pho that sort of phone call really have waited .
6 And the maddening part of it is that it 's my own fault .
7 The basic thrust of it is that it should be looked at only exceptionally : Lloyd .
8 But the sharpest criticism of him is that while appearing to be a chip off the old block , he was in fact something else , representative of the politicization of public appointments .
9 The crucially important aspect of it is that changes in the level of prices which are foreseen , or are expected , have no effect on the level of output .
10 The only pity of it is that they 're running out of Forster novels to film .
11 This might lead her to change her expectation of the average level of prices ; after all , if she is rational she must know that unpredictable movements in aggregate demand can occur and that one symptom of them is that the price in her island is higher than she was expecting the average to be .
12 But the paradox goes like this — I mean any form of it is as follows : proteins , as most of you know , are strings of amino acids and we make a whole series of quite specific proteins .
13 And the other side of it is that obviously you , you do n't want to be going to the D S S and asking for erm State benefits either
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