Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [Wh det] are to [be] " in BNC.

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1 When it comes to such matters as the protection of creditors and third parties dealing with a company , the obvious way forward is for the Community to lay down in its Directives detailed rules which are to be given similar effect under national law in all member states .
2 Sir George visited the Cookson Street area of Liverpool , where he saw a row of empty houses which are to be converted into bungalows and flats by Liverpool Housing Trust .
3 Er they are outstanding matters which are to be dealt with .
4 Democratic theory as an ideal construct may recognise the existence of elites in real polities which are to be explained ; a democratic theory which accepts the existence of elites , describes democracy as a set of institutions and builds them into its descriptions as a central restraining factor , is arguably not in the democratic school and might not even be properly called theory .
5 Equally with a sensation , saying ‘ by ‘ pain ’ I mean that ’ will only achieve the desired effect if we have some means of separating characteristics which are to be relevant from those which are not .
6 On other occasions , indeed on most occasions , we can not count on the context complementing words so closely , occasions when more precision is needed to identify the contextual features which are to be related to the conceptual meaning of the words to achieve indexical meaning .
7 This limit is to be obligatory in vulnerable areas which are to be designated over the next two years .
8 In each case it is the revised versions which are to be played in this concert .
9 The greatest ocean depths are achieved in oceanic trenches which are to be found both along some continental margins , notably western South America ( Fig. 2.6 ) , and in association with island arcs which are usually located close to the edges of continents .
10 Simply by selecting those substances in impure water which are to be held potentially ‘ polluting ’ ( pollution parameters ) and the point at which such contamination is to be regarded as ‘ polluting ’ ( pollution limits ) , together with temperature and volume restrictions , the agency establishes theoretically enforceable boundaries , exercising , in other words , power to control the potential level of pollution .
11 Money for the repair of existing footpaths which are to be be retained , landscaping and street lighting would have to be sought from other sources .
12 This division between planning conditions and site licence conditions highlights the need for co-operation between planners , waste disposal officers and other pollution control agencies , at a pre-planning stage wherever possible , in order to reach agreement on those conditions which are to be attached to the planning consent , and those to be attached to the site licence , thus ensuring that problems of control do not arise at a later stage .
13 Note that the complete package structure need not be present in the work area ; only those modules which are to be entered .
14 ROOT_PACKAGE_DETAILS — is an input parameter specifying the details of the root package and any sub-packages which are to be generated .
15 Now start repairing damaged areas which are to be painted .
16 Opposition groups are preparing to take on the Communist Party in Bulgaria 's first free elections for more than 40 years which are to be fixed by next May , but dissident leaders have called for a postponement .
17 Extension Exclusions A list of file type extensions , separated by commas , of any files which are to be excluded from the comparison e.g. DIR , LOG .
18 The scrolled area allows the names of any modules which are to be changed to be entered , up to a maximum of 29 .
19 ( 1 ) For the purpose of bringing to a conclusion any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order and which have not previously been brought to a conclusion , the Chairman or Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions ( but no others ) —
20 Select the paragraph(s) displayed in a new format which are to be returned to the original format
21 At this stage , the DCs relating to any other modules which are to be updated using this package can also be specified .
22 Consideration will also be given to the nature of culture and of civil society , of the domains of everyday life which are to be distinguished from ‘ economic ’ and ‘ state ’ spheres , but are crucial to the constituting of state and economy .
23 To prove its point , it has announced new 1M- , 2M- , 4M- and 8M-bit EPROMs which are to be built using the 0.6 micron process developed in the company 's facility in Agrate , Italy , as part of the Joint European Sub-micron Silicon Initiative programme .
24 The returns for Lothingland and Mutford hundreds , Suffolk , permit a rare glimpse of the mechanics by which many assessments were revalued , under the heading ‘ The namys of those personys forgotyn and not charged at the last subsidie which are to be charged now ’ .
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