Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] will [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The caution takes Mohan to 21 points and a one-match ban that will rule him out of the home game against Barnsley .
2 Can he say anything this afternoon that will enable me to reassure my very worried constituents ?
3 It may mean some gentle but very straight talking , if your parent does not realise your need to have time alone with your friends , but if you can not bring yourself to establish this right , you will have precious little hope of organising any other social activities that will give you a break from daily routine .
4 Then , possibly , you will be able to develop some goals that will assure you attain those purposes .
5 And I myself , as er your course leader has indicated , I was on a course here myself some four weeks ago listening to the same subject , doing the physical exercises etcetera etcetera and listening and trying to take in , I wo n't say I did , trying to take in all the different aspects that will affect us in our er retirement years .
6 If the theory survives these tests , it will probably be some years more before we develop computational methods that will enable us to make predictions and before we can account for the initial conditions of the universe as well as the local physical laws .
7 Colours , textures and patterns affect everyone differently so there are no hard and fast rules , but there are some guidelines that will help you with your choice .
8 You simply walk the land , survey the warren and burrow systems and get some knowledge that will help you plan where and how to make your first move against the rabbit population .
9 Let me give you some suggestions that will help you to find your own way. :
10 Considering how much attention has been given to ‘ child development ’ by psychologists and educationists , it should be possible to find a generally-accepted theory that will help us to order our thoughts .
11 The Haunted House dark ride , set in Gloomy Wood , the Congo River Rapids and the Runaway Mine train , are just a few of the exciting rides that will keep you and the children amused all day .
12 One further thing that will help you to be a successful prescriber ; the more you enjoy it the easier it will be .
13 It may even be that despite taking care with matching yourself to the job before making an initial application you may find out further information that will make you less enthusiastic about the job .
14 Put these on — I got some clothes that will fit you , and you can use for the competition .
15 But despite that , Gloucestershire County Council still ca n't find another school that will accept him as a full time student .
16 It is this time-depth that will interest us in chapter 5 , in which we turn to evidence for vernacular variation in earlier English .
17 But it will mean some form of acceptable lifestyle that will subject us to the discipline of God 's world and the needs of his creation .
18 We have spent a good part of the last decade in a long and often rather frustrating attempt to identify them ( most recently by trying to make specific antibodies that will recognize them ) .
19 Any room is easier to plan , decorate and arrange if you imagine it divided into three basic parts : the background — walls , ceiling , floor , windows and lighting ; the furniture and furnishings ; and the accessories — the personal possessions that will give it personality and character .
20 ‘ That remains my purpose and I believe what we will come forward with for the future of local government will lead to the kind of strong , robust single-tier authorities that will enable them to fulfil their important democratic functions and deliver quality services to their local residents .
21 For that we can thank a succulent script , meaty characterisations and four central performances that will leave you begging for more .
22 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
23 I propose an advance on your future status that will assist you at this point and hold you fast to our mutual course .
24 Autumn is the season to best appreciate your pond fish and , at the same time , to make simple preparations that will ensure they enter the cold months fighting fit .
25 Thus Witold Gombrowicz 's apparently anti-political call for ‘ an elusive man who is a play of contradictions ’ is really a fierce rebuke to the totalitarian preference for deathly form over vital chaos ; and the absurdist satire on display in Yuz Aleshkovsky 's ‘ Kangaroo ’ , whose protagonist eventually comes to believe the KGB 's charge that he sodomised a marsupial in the Moscow Zoo ‘ on a night between July 14th 1789 , and January 9th 1905 ’ ( note the dates ) , is ‘ the only way for a free mind to cope … an abuse of official language that will overpower it and thus defeat it . ’
26 Nikos , the owner , has developed an informal and relaxed style of service over the last eleven years that 'll make you feel quite at home .
27 Gary Stevens , whose non-appearance was announced on Monday , is to enter hospital tomorrow for an operation on his damaged left foot that will keep him out for the rest of the season .
28 Since this is the case , it 's important to make the best of it and follow some basic rules that will aid you to master the art of castrametation .
29 Or are you here to make some pretty excuse that will enable you to see him ?
30 It is not human capacity that will do it .
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