Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] [vb past] not be " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes on progresses through the country she would depart from her official schedule and visit some village that had not been sanitized in advance .
2 Galileo was even prepared to give the Bible jurisdiction over scientific hypotheses that had not been rigorously demonstrated .
3 Hamilton had the brilliance to see the simple point that had not been elaborated before ; namely that overall fitness is the sum of fitness owing to selfish behaviour plus fitness owing to altruistic behaviour to relatives .
4 The 1975 definition was an exceptionally pure version that had not been current previously and only lasted a year or two .
5 Difficulties were accentuated by personal prejudices that had not been broken down .
6 And a working group on constitutional reform , established by the Supreme Soviet in late 1988 , began — at least in its reported meetings — to develop the notion of ‘ republican precedence ’ , by which the union republics should have full authority over all matters that had not been specifically transferred to the USSR government .
7 There would be enormous difficulties in trying to operate a general rule that had not been made sufficiently specific at a proper point beforehand .
8 By the fifteenth century the King of England was Lord of Ireland , though his new territory was separate enough to have its own parliament , whose power was reduced but not eliminated by Poyning 's Law of 1495 , which forbade it to pass any law that had not been approved in advance by the King and his council .
9 Held , allowing the appeal and the cross-appeal , that under the terms of the mortgage and other deeds the defendants were entitled to recover their actual costs , charges and expenses except for any costs that had not been reasonably incurred or were unreasonable in amount ; that both litigation and non-litigation costs could be referred to a taxing for quantification ; that the defendants were contractually entitled to payment on an indemnity basis as defined by R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) ; that the court 's discretion as to the basis of taxation of a mortgagee 's costs , charges and expenses should normally be exercised so as to correspond with the contractual entitlement ; and that , accordingly , the master had power to order that the contractual costs , charges and expenses and the costs incurred in the litigation be taxed on an indemnity basis including those costs ordered to be taxed on a standard basis ( post , pp. 735E–F , 736B–C , 737E–F , 739A–C , 741H — 742D , E–H ) .
10 The other 24 films were distractors , the film from each pair that had not been seen by the subject before .
11 It was the age-old problem that had not been solved since the Populists first went to the people in the 1870s .
12 Regret theory has several surprising predictions that had not been tested at the time the theory was first presented : for example , it predicts that individuals ' choices may ‘ cycle ’ ( eg A is chosen in preference to B , B in preference to C and C in preference to A ) .
13 It was the smell of a hundred bodies that had not been bathed for a week , of a hundred sets of clothes that had been lived and slept in for a week , of excreta and vomit trapped by the windows that had not been opened for a week .
14 Subsequently , when the remedy is given to treat sick people , other symptoms that had not been brought out in the Proving are noted to be cured by the remedy and if this happens repeatedly then those symptoms are added to the picture of that remedy .
15 A financial document that had NOT been used in the compilation of the corpus was selected as test data ( this was the same document as used in the earlier investigations of Chapter Three ) .
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