Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv prt] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Calm and quiet , Trent picked him as the technical adviser along for the trip but without direct responsibility for the outcome .
2 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
3 Sh shall I put another tape in for the rest of it ?
4 There is another spin off for the estate agent of course
5 For a moment she thought it shared her doubts ; there was a hint of a fumble as it doubled its hind legs under for the leap .
6 ‘ I 'll get some wood in for the stove , then .
7 Ash End House Farm was such a success for parents and children that I have organised another day out for the Christmas Holidays .
8 Got some friends up for the ride .
9 Write down examples of when you last ( i ) went to the cinema or theatre or a sporting event ( ii ) had some friends round for the evening ( iii ) had a holiday away from home ( iv ) played a game of some kind ( v ) read a book for fun
10 After expressing astonishment at this turn up for the book , gazing round and saying things such as ‘ By my halidom , sir knight , ’ and ‘ Gadzooks , fell work shall be done this sennight , ’ they took grimly to hewing and slaying Krooms left , right and centre by the baker 's dozen .
11 By way of variation , though , she sang a simple setting of a poignant old Irish poem , which began in a lovely duet between her and Kellock , with drummer John Rae on bodhran , but eventually turned into a full-steam work out for the trio , which was completed by bass player Andy Mitchell .
12 Significantly , despite his huge investment in bloodstock , Sheikh Mohammed has never won the Epsom Derby and the pressure will be on to have this exceptional three-year-old line up for the world 's most famous Classic .
13 There is no easy way out for the Government .
14 If Mr Nitschke is right about the hotel being the last of its type in London , it will be the second time around for the property .
15 This is only the second time out for the Pond Racer .
16 With ‘ Fayre Organ , ’ clog dancing and children 's entertainment the aim , as in Ossett 's gala , is to ‘ make a memorable day out for the family . ’
17 Towards the end of 1992 , the company was successful in securing a four year inspection services contract for the Shell Southern North Sea MMSC representing a major break through for the company in this area .
18 Everybody came , because it was a great day out for the family .
20 Got a few more voices on for the tape .
21 First time out for the season . ’
22 Like his father , he had some apprehensions about the filming , especially being told to do things several times over for the film crew .
23 As one of the Northern League 's two unpaid Press officers , he was doubtless pretty pleased also at Monday 's announcement that the council is to provide a major financial leg up for the district 's four NL clubs .
24 doing that , putting that wire round for the aerial .
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