Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv prt] [coord] over again " in BNC.

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1 What I 'd like to do is to help them to see that they do n't need to give up on the computer , that they can actually be the master of it , although of course I do n't I 'm not suggesting that they become programmers — that would be to abdicate their function in another way — but certainly they can understand it , and I think of course it keeps coming back to this issue over and over again , an issue about education .
2 She tried reading him Wordsworth and Tennyson and Browning but he would sigh and interrupt her when she did , so she went back to the lighter Kipling poems and he would lie and grin happily to himself and make her read his favourite passages over and over again .
3 These religious ethical teachings are surrounded by sacrality , and they have to be reiterated in this way over and over again because nothing runs so counter to man than to love his neighbour , including his enemies .
4 Handling some paperwork over and over again
5 Such qualities of judgement and personal courage over and over again inspired those of us who had the privilege to work closely him — his intense concern for human rights and his determination to take Amnesty 's campaign right to the doorstep of the perpetrators .
6 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
7 Then I can just use these books over and over again .
8 She went over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water over and over again .
9 And we 've seen these cats over and over again .
10 A check list will enable you to listen to those words over and over again in a controlled environment , and you will be able to make up your mind as to what symbol(s) you want to use for it/them from then on .
11 Legions of lost souls have taken to congregating at a popular local hostelry , the Throat and Razor , repeating those very words over and over again , till the tears run down their sunburned legs .
12 So he gives Jeremiah the same devastating message over and over again , with different emphases and with different targets .
13 We then all sit down together and discuss these various options over and over again until the board has reached a position of understanding of where in broad terms we think the strategy of the individual business should fit .
14 He used that phraseology over and over again .
15 He would draw the same figure over and over again , trying to get what he wanted .
16 Time was repetition of the same words over and over again was called lines and constituted a punishment .
17 Serpell suggests that the parrots are trying to startle their rivals with these varied displays , Switching between a large number of gestures in an unpredictable way may be more intimidating than repeating a few cliched movements over and over again .
18 she asks the same question over and over again .
19 It 's OK if you 're playing the same lines over and over again to thicken up the sound but if you 're playing different lines within the song as overdubs I often use different guitars to achieve different effects . ’
20 She used the same lines over and over again , wearing a fixed smile on her face .
21 But of course it is nice to come back to the same places over and over again , sort of er see friendly faces .
22 To survive is to dig into the pit of your own resources over and over again .
23 Same questions over and over again .
24 One of the things I did learn from the last tour was to rehearse enough material so that you do n't get fed up playing the same things over and over again . ’
25 Mothers often say that they say the same things over and over again and end up losing their tempers in order to get a response .
26 Although pupils met the same topic over and over again , they still did not understand .
27 Having to repeat things constantly , as well as to listen to the same comments over and over again , can tax the patience of all but a saint .
28 You write the same poem over and over again and tell us what you 're no longer going to do .
29 had several hours and getting bored with the same answer over and over again !
30 The laughter that greeted this remark was interrupted by her husband protesting that novelists were just as bad , writing the same book over and over again .
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