Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [is] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The beauty of that trail is that you have the thrill of walking beneath the railway viaduct and carrying on up alongside the Allt Chonoghlais into Coire a' Ghabhalach , the mirror eastern corrie of the one gained by the Bridge of Orchy route .
2 Now one of the interesting things about this is that they 've worked out , in order to erm achieve our sales forecast , erm the impact of recruitment for each branch is that we need a net growth in branch of one plus one for every er on every month .
3 The problem with New Right Conservatism is that it has to claim to be reducing the influence of the State in the field of welfare , health , income support and education , but has to maintain the strong State in the arena of law and order .
4 ‘ The greatest irony is that I thought he could help me in my research on rape , ’ she says .
5 That condition is that we cut ten minutes out of the running time . ’
6 The fundamental one in an investigation of this kind is that we do not need to accept any prior assumption about how society at large is organized or structured , and so in our interpretation we do not need to import any presuppositions from theories of social class and social structure or taxonomies of class or status , which may of course be controversial .
7 What is significant about formal markers of this kind is that they achieve two related effects in academic writing ( as in discourse more generally ) .
8 Another advantage is that they have fairly flexible admissions standards .
9 Another advantage is that you lose less of your money through commission in the early years .
10 The latest episode in this story is that we have found that the proton and electron are made up of quarks held together by bonds of the order of 10 9 eV .
11 And of course a familiar populist complaint about modernist fiction is that it does not communicate its meaning to the reader in a clear and comprehensible way .
12 The interest of this case is that it indicates that a sentence of detention in a young offender institution can be justified under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4A) ( b ) , notwithstanding the fact that the offender was originally dealt with for the offences by means of a probation order .
13 The significance of this technique is that it allows the novelist to incorporate metaphor at the level of what is narrated ( fabula ) , not merely at the level of narration ( sjuzet ) , as is more commonly the case .
14 The advantages of this technique is that it puts less strain on the legs than straight front pointing and the uphill foot ( the one most difficult to flex when flat footing ) is kept horizontal .
15 The theoretical advantage of this technique is that it deals directly with the oesophageal varices without affecting liver perfusion : a prospective study has shown it to be superior to standard and distal splenorenal shunts in patients with portal hypertension secondary to schistosomiasis .
16 The trouble with this formulation is that it does not suggest how we can be sure as to just what is the constitutional set-up , and this is a particular problem once we recognise that the power of particular institutions is subject to change and that there are disputes as to what are ( and should be ) the fundamental practices and rules .
17 9.4 Disputes with adjoining occupiers If any dispute arises between the Tenant and the tenants or occupiers of other parts of the Centre or the Adjoining Property as to any easement right or privilege in connection with the use of the Premises and any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property or as to the boundary structures separating the Premises from any other property it shall be decided [ by the Landlord or in such manner as the Landlord shall direct or by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ] The problem with this provision is that it restricts the tenant in any action it may wish to take against other tenants , and could result in a dispute being settled against its best interests .
18 The reason I prefer the Methodist faith is because it has the simplest form .
19 The interest of this text is that it makes clear both the availability of a remedy against a third party , and the fact that that party has notice of the existence of the trust ; and it apparently limits the availability of the missio to cases where the buyer does have notice : cases , therefore , in which bad faith is involved .
20 One of things on this drug is that we have many cases documented on this where people do n't realize the incredible grotesque feelings they have of mutilating themselves et cetera are actually connected to the drug .
21 A limitation of this study is that we had no information on the type of hysterectomy — abdominal or vaginal .
22 One problem with this experiment is that it presented subjects with a very artificial task and , not surprisingly , various criticisms have been made by authors such as Hupet and Le Boudec ( 1977 ) and Schultz and Kamil ( 1979 ) .
23 Another bonus is that it leaves your hair smelling of mint rather than yukky ammonia !
24 I mean that that 's another alternative is that we do n't bother with pictures .
25 The most interesting result is that it gives quicker search times for a long word list over the 26-way methods .
26 The central characteristic of social action is that it has meaning for the people who are involved in it .
27 A second limitation of the Keynesian model as we have outlined it in this chapter is that it fails to take adequately into account the problem of inflation .
28 If the campaign has been logical to the strategists , the public perception is that it has been awful .
29 The reason I draw attention to this guidance is that it draws what I think is a crucial distinction for our purposes here today , between the need to assess at the structure plan level the need for a road proposal and in paragraph five thirty one , a clear statement there that consideration of environmental impacts in relation to where the road goes , is a matter for the local plan .
30 The problem with this reasoning is that it comes very close to construing a clause to the extent that the plaintiffs seek to enforce it rather than as it stands .
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