Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [subord] they [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 over round the left hand side in the first place , but she must have been in the wrong so they must have seen it as well , they have n't really got a strong case so they threw it out of court and last week he had a letter , he opened it , from the , from the court , and he thought oh gawld here we go again , he 's got jury service , oh
2 Then she heard all of them , crashing through brush and low branches as they followed her towards the road .
3 Merseyside police have revealed that they probably killed James a few hours after they took him from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle .
4 Except ex-convent girls like me who recognised sexual tension when they saw it .
5 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
6 Carrickfergus itself , lacking walls and protected only by a ruined castle , rapidly surrendered when the garrison 's ammunition ran out and the Belfast authorities were sufficiently intimidated to send the French provisions when they demanded them .
7 He flicked away another cigarette as they made their way towards him to continue the drive still higher into the hills .
8 The simplest account for the relationship between risk and recall in this study was that subjects recalled the risky situations because they knew it was an experiment about risk , this knowledge could have affected their performance both at encoding and at retrieval .
9 Another highlight will be the Chilean Air Force 's Halcones aerobatic team making their first British tour since they exchanged their Pittses for Extra 300s .
10 I voted for this government because they said they were n't going to go in for that sort of rubbish .
11 What shows that this was generally an unthinking answer , uninformed by any real understanding of interest rates , is that people were just as likely to give this answer whether they thought it would be a percentage of the amount they borrowed , a percentage per year , or even a percentage per month .
12 Why would they target you for this surveillance unless they thought you were more susceptible than the rest of us ?
13 One person said : ‘ Many clients thought they 'd get a slightly better deal through having a blind social worker because they thought I was having to pull out all the stops to prove that I was good and therefore they would get a spin-off . ’
14 They fell silent for a few moments as they drank their tea .
15 They had heard it some time before they reached it , the rumble of thunder growing louder as they approached , to become almost deafening at the point where a cloud of spray hovered overhead , the droplets becoming tiny rainbows as they caught the sun .
16 That was still untended and wild ; the house had been empty for some time before they bought it , or rather Mr Paul had .
17 They were silent for some time as they picked their way in single file along the path that wound up the hillside .
18 Yet the authorities in America refused to give him a green card as a full-time athlete because they said he was n't good enough .
19 In 1065 the Northumbrians were in a less conciliatory mood when they expelled their earl , Tostig Godwinsson , marched south with men from the Danelaw , and demanded Morcar , brother of Earl Edwin of Mercia , as his replacement .
20 More than 1,600 names — the people whose personal wealth is pledged to meeting insurance claims — lost money when they found themselves having to meet huge bills for asbestosis and pollution claims after Mr Outhwaite agreed to take on the risks from other Lloyd 's syndicates in 1982 .
21 The playgoers of London knew a real fight when they saw one .
22 The light , mocking note in his voice was acutely disturbing , as was the gleam in those deeply hooded granite-grey eyes as they studied her so intently .
23 It took a long time to break away from the idea that children were at best potentially evil and indolent , that they were little pitchers that had to be filled with information and moral guidance before they filled themselves with wickedness , idleness , and nonsense .
24 The central figure is the child , Little Nell , who deeply engaged the sympathies of contemporary readers as they followed her through the hardships of her pilgrimage , made in company with the senile grandfather whom she strives to protect , from the London curiosity shop to the sanctuary of a village where her sufferings end in a peaceful death .
25 Britons Harry Taylor , Mal Duff , Mike Smith and American Bill Pelkey were carrying just half a tent and minimal oxygen when they made their final push .
26 We helped second-hand car-buyers , too , when we uncovered British School of Motoring 's clever dodge for covering up their cars ' real origins when they sold them on .
27 There is a real need here both for a more flexible employment situation , which could absorb older people in less arduous or part-time work if they required it , and for more efforts to prepare people for retirement , helping them to develop time-consuming , absorbing and possibly profitable hobbies in advance of finishing work .
28 Riven was already thinking of bright hearths and warm beds as they made their way along the summits , following Bicker in single file now , their mounts ' hoofs throwing up bobbles of snow that were swept away into the air as quickly as they were kicked up .
29 He nearly had a nervous breakdown so they made him go to Plumford .
30 Ironically the same Jim Carty was Devenish manager when they captured their sixth senior championship in 1985 .
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