Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [subord] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She said Monday night I , er I do n't know whether we 've done the right thing by booking this holiday she said , I 'm thinking about the travelling in the air , it 'll be in travelling for eleven hours so she said I do n't know how I 'll be , I said it 's no use looking at it like that Alice now
2 But it was hypocritical sarcasm because she knew she would have done the same as him .
3 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
4 She had not sat down to breakfast , preferring to eat a handful of dry Puffkins while she sought her shoes , nor did she utter any words of affectionate farewell , not being one for dissimulation .
5 Christopher was a slight child , with rather too thin arms and legs , and little flat wrists which always gave Carolyn a stab of apprehensive fear when she noticed them .
6 However thirty-six hours before she died she telephoned for some of us to visit ; she knew we had all been worried and concerned but she had it all under control .
7 ‘ Not the best shoes for a day out , ’ remarked Brown Owl as she opened her first aid kit .
8 Now when I spoke to Mrs on the telephone last night she told me about the work you 've been doing on and I have looked at it and I 'm going to go over it again with you this afternoon because she thought it was very very good work .
9 Fran murmured her thanks as the woman collected the dog and went on her way , but it was a few minutes before she followed her .
10 Ace unfastened her safety harness and clutched the sides of her shaking couch as she pulled herself into a sitting position .
11 Her opinion of her benefactor leapt up another few notches as she followed his messenger through to the tiny kitchen , where the porter dumped his box on the only available surface and bent to open the fridge .
12 Leila stood up , quite prepared to defend herself , although she knew a trained assassin when she saw one .
13 ‘ I believe , in a case like yours , ’ wrote Mountbatten , coincidentally on St Valentine 's Day in 1974 , ‘ the man should sow his wild oats and have as many affairs as he can before settling down , but for a wife he should choose a suitable , attractive and sweet-charactered girl before she met anyone else she might fall for .
14 A councillor member of a housing committee wanted to see information in a social services file on prospective adopting parents as she doubted their suitability as adopters .
15 CHAMPION golfer Fred Couples has walked out on his wife of 12 years because she embarrassed him by dancing on a table , friends claimed last night .
16 Fourteen years ago Barbara Wootton identified a problem for social workers when she surveyed their job advertising , and looked at the jargon and specialised language which described the task applicants would perform .
17 DOG-lover Carole Birdsall wasn ‘ t barking up the wrong tree when she acquired her four Old English Sheepdogs .
18 The coffee mugs she ca n't see are gaily patterned and the kitchen utensils are all red — which was Julia 's favourite colour before she lost her sight .
19 The streets of the city welcomed her as an old friend as she made her way unerringly towards the brilliantly lit entrance of Tivoli .
20 And I mean Dee said to me this morning cos she heard us one morning
21 I borrowed it off Maggie this morning cos she said you were coming up .
22 Not through your mouth , through your nose , anyway it must of righted itself , she 's still full of cold but you know , when you get that achy feeling cos she said it aches
23 Miss Mulliver knew this woman like she knew herself , and loved her dearly .
24 It was indeed Darwin 's wife , Emma , herself a scientist , who pointed out the real danger in the use of scientific method when she asked him : " May not the habit in scientific pursuits of believing nothing till it is proved , influence your mind too much in other things which can not be proved in the same way ? and which if true are likely to be above our comprehension ? "
25 He recently gave her some free advice when she launched her own business .
26 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
27 The princess was in sparkling form on the third day of their four-day tour as she showed her skills with chopsticks when offered a pancake during a visit to a welfare centre in Bongchun-Dong , a poor suburb of Seoul .
28 There was n't much else she could do without attracting attention , but I definitely expected a bit of the old argy-bargy before she let me get down to business .
29 ‘ Looks like the bulb needs replacing , ’ Alison said as she moved across the room , bumping some furniture as she misjudged her way .
30 Leonor Fini underlined this concern when she painted her friend Leonora Carrington in a breastplate and sensible skirt , not a fetish object but a woman warrior and a ‘ true revolutionary ’ , released from cliches of femininity .
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