Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [coord] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All young people falling into that category but over the age of 18 who have not been available for YT because of disability , ill health , pregnancy , a custodial sentence , remand or language difficulty are entitled to an offer of a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
2 The premises had recently been painted in a garish olive green and over the shopfront large gilt lettering announced it as ‘ Bradley 's Dining Rooms ’ .
3 In Woodrow , it was held that affray is a continuing offence , so that where an indictment charged the defendants with a single offence and particularised several incidents that had occurred at different places and over a period of several hours , the indictment was not bad for duplicity .
4 Whenever her father returned unexpectedly , I would make a frantic , unscheduled exit through the back door and over the wall .
5 The dominance in the seventh century of Anglian political and military power in southern as well as northern England was accompanied by an extension of Anglian influence into British territories and over the Picts and Scots beyond the Forth .
6 She wanted to get up and walk away , out of the French doors and over the lawn and behind the hedge , away where she could not be seen .
7 Physical fear was somewhere in his emotional vocabulary but over the years he had mislaid its meaning .
8 The third type requires such intervention but over a period of years , usually nearly into adolescence , and often there is never complete resolution .
9 According to bogus sexologist Dr John R Brinkley , goat glands held the secret to combating male impotence and over a period of twenty years he amassed a fortune of more than $12 million administering them to 16,000 men worried about their sexual inadequacies .
10 A minimum of 7 mm lead shielding was used over the central area and over the body of each animal .
11 Reverting to that basic unit proportion which for convenience is 500mm ( 19¾in ) , the outer eyelets are positioned this distance from the central eyelets and over the cross-spar in all cases .
12 From the 11th century , such events had been popular for about 500 years but over the centuries there had been great changes to the ways in which they had been conducted .
13 He is sure to outspeed his rivals in the St Modwen Novices ' Hurdle ( 12.30 ) on ideal ground and over a trip that is certain to suit .
14 Once the liquid slip leaves the blending tank it is passed through fine sieves and over an electro-magnet to remove any particles of iron .
15 has always been a quality conscious company and over the years has implemented procedures to ensure high standards of nutritional value and safety .
16 ‘ There will be a great variety but over the day some carols may be repeated because we want to make sure we have enough truly popular ones so people can sing along and raise the roof . ’
17 Thus in the first twelve years of his reign he received an average of about £26,000 per annum from extraordinary revenue and over the reign as a whole about £13,500 per annum .
18 ‘ I 'm a great fan and over the years have accumulated a vast knowledge on the subject .
19 He continued to see Jennifer on a regular basis and over the years ; she would come for holidays and weekends , and he did the loving-father duties , which he treated seriously , and never shirked his responsibilities .
20 This practice has continued to the present day and over the years many of the field geologists became recognised petrographers .
21 Chips became part of the British diet during the 19th century and over the course of the next hundred years , according to the Frozen Food Information Service , fish and chips became not only a national institution , but also a vital source of nutrition for the working class .
22 Here 's two new ones from Fender , but separated by several thousand miles and over a grand 's worth of drinking vouchers …
23 The Brook provided the water for at least eight mills and over the years there was often great competition for the supply .
24 Another big advantage of Creation 6 as far as the Duomatic user is concerned , is that the programme allows you to see your design in full colour and over the whole 180 needles , or however wide the knitting is to be , before committing punch to card .
25 Another example is from region rail which is a totally independent system but over the years the five local authorities have ploughed millions of pounds of investment into improving a system , the stations the track and the rolling stock which in accordance with the Rail Bill will be put out of franchise next year but will anyone have to buy it ?
26 We had a good field of fire all round in case the enemy came out of the sunken road or over the hedge .
27 Steep paths lead down through the landscaped gardens and over a foot-bridge to the main building directly across the road .
28 They had to take many economic decisions in the course of each annual cycle , and according to their status and wealth they made different decisions from one another in various places and over the year .
29 Text comes in either from our own word processing systems , on disk from various sources or over the Telecom Gold Email service .
30 Ralph Brand sent a looping header towards goal , and though the Scotland Under-21 goalkeeper caught it above his head , he stepped back one pace and over the line .
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