Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] have [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But do n't you think that gen that Harlow generally has that feeling ?
2 We have already mentioned that strikes need not be damaging to individual firms ; and while it is true that the economy as a whole can be damaged by certain groups of workers ( eg. power workers , miners and transport workers ) , relatively few groups actually have this kind of muscle .
3 When Hoppy bade the Colonel good morning he looked up and , after a pause , said : ‘ My boy , very few gentlemen ever have any breakfast and none talk at it . ’
4 Nevertheless , despite the advent of ‘ contracting out ’ , local authorities still carry out over fifty functions ; indeed , the average British citizen probably has more contact with the state through the services provided by local government than through the outputs of any other level of public administration .
5 No canal crossing the constantly changing contours of the English Midlands ever had enough water , so a significant increase in traffic would only be possible if existing supplies were conserved and more supplies developed .
6 Surely the small group of people who will face the economic and social changes head-on have some authority in deciding their future arrangements for their system of government .
7 The old windbag still had some spunk left , despite all the shit his dear old Fuhrer made him eat .
8 Some people simply have more energy than others , while others decide to put a higher proportion of their energy into their careers .
9 An editorial comment also had this message for the then Prime Minister Mrs Thatcher : ‘ Just what would make your Minister blush with shame ? ’
10 In his whimsical way the British prime Minister observed , ‘ This argument naturally had some appeal to me on general grounds ’ : but he did not respond .
11 A group which perpetuates itself by endogamous sexual reproduction usually has some perception of ethnic identity .
12 ‘ There was no will , ’ she said , ‘ You know it and I know it , so this solicitor clearly has some confusion on his hands .
13 As a result , Japanese companies now have less room for manoeuvre .
14 On the other hand , its civil servants probably have less training in business evaluation than do private sector analysts , and , of greatest importance , there is the overwhelming political temptation for the government of the day to hijack the nationalized industries and make them an instrument of whatever is the pressing problem of the day .
15 The Japanese government still has some scope for measures to prop up the financial system , so there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933 .
16 Not since the Jockey Club was founded 243 years ago has such radical racing reform been in the air and today is also the threshold of a new era which begins with Britain 's betting shops next Thursday .
17 Human readers usually have little difficulty with most types of ambiguity , since they can effortlessly apply a variety of contextual information .
18 I attach great importance to these observations because there is a fashion now in the humanities to deny that the old notion of human nature still has any utility .
19 Variegated foliage often has more impact when used sparingly , such as with Hosta ‘ Wide Brim ’ and Sedum kamtschaticum ‘ Variegatum ’
20 The question that must be asked is : does the national ensign still have any part to play among yachtsmen , apart from acting as a sort of sporting rosette ?
21 Each of these points then has another sequence of points accumulating on it where yet more complicated heteroclinic orbits connect the three stationary points , and so on , ad infinitum .
22 One can not help but wonder whether these taboos originally had another meaning .
23 Human beings both have that understanding and are the objects of it , and this is one of the basic respects in which our ethical relations to each other must always be different from our relations to other animals .
24 The traditional Conservative cry against the nationalised industries thus had some plausibility for anyone concerned with a correct allocation of investment resources in the economy : though it should be remembered that the electricity boards were ( unlike private industry ) not in general free to invest as much as they wished at low rates of return , but were subject to annual quantitative limits agreed with the Minister .
25 Formerly , large enterprises usually had little difficulty in getting their requirements met , whilst small users struggled to get their often very specific needs fulfilled .
26 erm , my Lord , in relation to that erm and er is an example , the European court itself and only the European court has the power to limit the direct effect of the provision , they can say well it has direct effect in these circumstances prospectively , but not retroactively and only the European court , that court alone has that power , all other courts , national courts must , my Lord this is your duty under article five I would submit to enforce article eighty five and three F
27 A joint investigation of this procedure by of Distillers MG Limited , the UK 's leading supplier of carbon dioxide , and general manager in quality assurance for Forte Airport Services , one of the world 's leading in-flight caterers , demonstrated that the dry ice slice technique could not meet the requirements of the new legislation , and in many cases hardly had any effect at all other than freezing the meal at the top of the trolley .
28 ‘ On average , 37% of all organisations already have some form of office system installed , with another 14% planning installation in two years , of which the majority are larger companies .
29 This may reflect the fact that many people today have more leisure and money to spend on such pursuits than in the past .
30 All languages also have some kind of rhythmical or accentual structure , and again intonation interacts with this structure in different ways in different cases .
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