Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That case also arose out of a motor accident at the time when the infant 's mother was carrying the unborn child .
2 Mystical experience never arrives out of the blue ; it is always influenced by the religious milieu of the mystic , even though he may want to transcend the beliefs and attitudes that he found there .
3 there 's a horse erm in some of the fields just coming out of Morpeth towards Newcastle and I saw , pardon me as I was on the bus like yesterday coming into Morpeth and this horse just shot out of nowhere and it was really enjoying itself !
4 the impact of the comet obliterated large portions of the Animal Kingdom , with mammals suffering just as severe depredations as the reptiles ( fishes and other marine animals probably came out of it all comparatively lightly )
5 More than three thousand worked in woodland throughout the country to ensure British industry never ran out of timber .
6 In addition it should be noted that this Act also sets out in Schedule 2 approved methods of euthanasia .
7 Some sites eventually fell out of use , as Arthur Causton 's map of 1843 shows only three main sites in the vicinity of the City .
8 This rather uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy as Miller certainly did not give all his attention to the gentry , although , as Kalm said , the aristocracy did seek his advice .
9 Some places never ran out of water .
10 Then you see an express train apparently coming out through the embankment while a gigantic head capped with flowers revolves high above and you realise it will be an amazing day .
11 His memory was indistinct — a few details only stood out in odd clarity : listening to ‘ Palm Court ’ on the radio , followed with awful inevitability by ‘ Variety Bandbox ’ , the last hours of the week-end petering out , wasted , joyless , empty ; bed , and school again the next day .
12 My own view is that scientific theories usually start out by assuming the existence of entities that no one has ever seen or touched — genes , atoms , photons , viruses .
13 Some of the new German publications even come out in English only .
14 Well there 's a lot of these old people never move out of house
15 My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary recently came out of his negotiations with , among others , our French partners , and , in his diplomatic way , observed that , like Waterloo , it had been hard pounding .
16 ‘ From what I can remember this lunatic just accelerated out from the side of the road .
17 The carved tombstone suddenly goes out of use in Attica in the late sixth century , possibly forbidden by a law of the new democracy .
18 This book intentionally sets out to be a companion to art history by cataloguing movements and critics rather than artists , who are included if they have written on art .
19 Lord Scarman has said of inner city riots that ‘ public disorder usually arises out of a sense of injustice , ( Scarman , 1986 : xiii ) , and as the Woolf report recognized , this is as true in prisons as it is in the inner city .
20 The most difficult requisite to produce was ‘ Conscience ’ for the struggles for political liberty had always been in the name of ‘ Rights ’ , and in this conflict , ‘ the other side of the civic relation naturally fell out of sight ’ .
21 Three French ships , having jettisoned their guns , managed to get over the bar into the Vilaine [ or Villaine ] River and some others successfully stood out to sea .
22 This year 's York Festival and Mystery Plays has put its troubles firmly behind it with some events already sold out with still three months to go .
23 In the enlightenment of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , scientific medicine finally struggled out from beneath the dead hand of classical authority .
24 But it gave her a clear view into the houses backing on to the tracks , the private mess usually tidied out of sight , the outside lavatories with unhinged doors , the laundry racks flimsy as the skeleton of a bird 's wing , with trousers and underwear like broken feathers hanging ; a burst , sodden mattress .
25 Typical projects recently carried out by PA involve the companies BP and Fort Sterling .
26 And the advice was on the back of the most comprehensive research ever carried out for a new paper .
27 The first drivers through — Guy Edwards , Lunger , the bearded Harald Ertl — leaped from their cars and tried to rescue Niki , but it was the old Ferrari driver , Arturo Merzario , a tiny figure usually decked out in a cowboy hat , who simply waded into the flames and undid Niki 's harness : not a second too soon .
28 Serious unrest also broke out in Aligarh and Agra ( Uttar Pradesh ) , where up to 100 people died in brutal fighting .
29 The news had not reached the papers of news by the next day and thirteen days later came out as :
30 Thus she saw , with surprise and disquiet , the young , dark head cautiously hoisted out of cover to peer after them .
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