Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] over [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's his pleasure , ’ he said , ‘ that figure of mischief over there , to blow any piece of rubbish out of his mouth and challenge me to return it .
2 This excess of price over both marginal revenue and marginal cost is a convenient measure of the firm 's monopoly power .
3 He had hinted that it might be kind to pass the empty bottle of Scotch over when he 'd drunk it .
4 In 1859 he built the first of his 2–2–2 type express locomotives , two of which took part in the railway ‘ race ’ between east- and west-coast companies from London to Edinburgh in 1888 , and in 1863 he developed the 2–4–0 type for use over more heavily graded routes .
5 And so , i I mean it was to me it was a total waste of time over there !
6 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
7 Running under Digital Research 's GEM environment it provides an almost uncanny level of control over both simple and compound documents .
8 This world view forgets that people must live now , and , even if capitalism is inevitably to break down , there will be considerable room for manoeuvre over how this happens and what will replace it … .
9 ‘ Oh , incidentally Mark , I understand they want to use your office and mine for a couple of visiting Americans on assignment over here for a couple of months .
10 Some people may even prefer the option of suicide or euthanasia , as such changes simply represent an unacceptable degree of compromise over how they wish to live .
11 There 's a certain irony here in the fact that the world leader in free market philosophy should be the one to try and bring some regulation into this area , because that 's the problem here , almost complete deregulation the use of convenient ships , low skilled , low paid er exploited often Third World workers , used and abused by ship owners the world over to increase their profit margins , with a subsequent lack of concern over both the environment and people 's lives .
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