Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] were [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although nineteenth century whalers discovered that many Of the strange calls at sea were the voices of whales , only recently have the songs Of cetaceans become familiar to the rest of the world .
2 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
3 The only group of workers to achieve shorter hours by legislation were the miners , who were granted an eight-hour day in 1908 after forty years ' campaigning .
4 Previously , the Barbary apes of Gibraltar were the only colony of wild primates in Western Europe .
5 This group of cottagers were the most mobile of all , appearing briefly in the parish register or other records and then moving on .
6 By the late sixties most of the grand old names in shipbuilding were no more .
7 But a few months later , a US State Department official , in commenting on the tension in Anglo-American relations , reminded the US National Security Council that the British forces at Suez were the only effective Western fighting force in the Middle East .
8 If the conclusions from empirical studies employing different measures of return were the same , the definition of returns would not be an important issue .
9 Shops took incandescent bulbs off the shelves and kept them under the counter ; the only light bulbs in sight were the high-efficiency versions .
10 A few impressive verbatim quotations by Athenaeus and some references in Strabo were the starting point .
11 The botanical gardens of Egypt were a wonder to behold .
12 Although the issue did not arise in Pickin 's case nor in other authorities cited above , it was there assumed that the only possible barriers to validity were the procedural ones there considered .
13 Early in the universe 's history , though , such concentrations of energy were the norm .
14 The preceding months of wrangling were the cause of a great deal of economic uncertainty .
15 The gust of 169 mph recorded on Cairngorm was a near-record for the UK and the peaks of 92 mph at Glasgow and 85 mph at Edinburgh were the highest recorded at those sites since the night of the so-called ‘ Glasgow Hurricane ’ almost exactly 25 years ago .
16 The study of hospital patients by Ferguson and MacPheal concluded as follows : ‘ The ex-patients who showed the heaviest mortality at early ages , the strongest tendency to relapse and the poorest record in point of early return to work were the group of unskilled labourers . ’
17 The several centuries of the ‘ Dark Ages ’ that followed the Roman withdrawal from Britain were a period in which peoples from northwest Germany and Denmark were coming into the country .
18 The six weeks in Australia were a good move .
19 SALES of K-reg cars in the first 10 days of August were a big disappointment , it was revealed yesterday .
20 The other six changes of personnel were the appointments of Jorge Quiroga Ramírez ( ADN ) to Finance , Fernando Campero Prudencio ( MIR ) to Industry , Commerce and Tourism , Alvaro Rejas Villarroel ( MIR ) to Mining and Metallurgy , Carlos Aponte Pinto ( ADN ) to Transport and Communications , Osvaldo Antezana Vaca Diez ( ADN ) to Campesino Affairs , Agriculture and Livestock , and Carlos Dabdoub Arrien ( MIR ) to Social Services and Public Health .
21 Thieves probably benefited from a certain popular tolerance which dated back to the time when individual thefts of cattle were a legitimate means of pursuing a dispute .
22 In part such changes of attitude were the outcome of military necessities : as early as 1673 the great French military engineer Vauban had urged strongly that France 's frontiers be rationalised to make them easier and cheaper to defend .
23 The chief centres of resistance were the ulema ( learned religious functionaries who were custodians of the Şeriat or Islamic holy laws ) and the janissaries .
24 One set of early inhabitants of Crete were the Minoans who came from , amongst other places , Africa .
25 The £45,000 does n't seem a lot today , but in 1968 it was a huge sum for us and the annual repayments of £3,500 were an enormous burden upon the struggling K & WVR in the late '60s and early '70s .
26 In Castile violent fluctuations in price were the consequence of continued dependence on the local harvest ; Barcelona imported most of her meat and wheat , and imports levelled out prices .
27 Yes , but many of the leading lights of that group of parents were the Governors ?
28 These brief oases of super-wealth were a direct result of exploitation of the developing world .
29 and though these sort of things were the the best way I I saw it er of of raising funds for for the coming two elections the Euro Election and the next local elections .
30 This in part reflected the conviction of nineteenth-century experts that the later years of life were a stage of general physical and mental deterioration .
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