Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where the due diligence is to be on a major scale , then along with the accountants and solicitors involved , there may be other professionals , including insurance brokers , chartered surveyors , management consultants , patent and trade-mark agents , environmental consultants , actuaries , credit reference agencies , and even a merchant banker .
2 Day 15 Received an order for another 200 chairs at a price of £50 each payment was to be on the basis of cash on delivery .
3 The last thing she wanted at this juncture was to be under an obligation to Wilcox .
4 Although this cruise was to be in the nature of a " rest cure " , almost immediately after his return in early March 1954 , he suffered an attack of tachycardia , marked by an acceleration of the pulse .
5 However , for funding reasons this centre was to be for the whole region .
6 Therefore if nearby electrons are to be in distinct quantum states their momenta must differ by at least p .
7 From the very first entry at the top of the list it is clear that this discussion was to be for Darwin revelatory .
8 If this proposition were to be of interest I would arrange for you to be put in contact with my client , who will reveal his identity at the appropriate stage .
9 The Foreign Office was to be on the western part of the site designated for the offices , and the War Department on the eastern part .
10 ( The second vote was to be of significance only if a majority expressed a desire for change in the first . )
11 And , if specific hypothetical examples of such computations are to be of any interest to students of biological organisms , they should be able to distinguish reliably ( though not necessarily infallibly ) between equivalent changes in the real-world environment .
12 Thus the principal focus was to be on examining ways in which higher levels of discipline might be achieved rather than analysing the causes of indiscipline .
13 To be outside the one visible communion is to be outside the Ark drowning in the flood .
14 The lifeworld is the intuitively present , in this sense familiar and transparent , and at the same time vast and incalculable web of presuppositions that have to be satisfied if an actual utterance is to be at all meaningful , that is valid or invalid .
15 Each wing was to be of two storeys and providing two wards of twelve beds each with one of the ground floor wards to be reserved for mental cases and to have a padded room .
16 In a case where the driver 's option is to be explained to him under section 8(2) , the driver should be told that if he exercises the right to have a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) , it will be for the constable to decide whether that specimen is to be of blood or urine and , if the constable intends to require a specimen of blood to be taken by a medical practitioner , the driver should be told that his only right to object to giving blood and to give urine instead will be for medical reasons to be determined by the medical practitioner .
17 Editor , — If operative mortality is to be of any use as an indicator of quality in cardiac surgery a system of risk stratification must be in place .
18 TO BE in the Baltic states is to be in the West .
19 If the two emitted waves are to be in phase and reinforce each other , their path lengths must differ by a number of wavelengths .
20 Winstanley , however , had full confidence and proclaimed his greatest wish was to be upon the rock during ‘ … the greatest storm that ever was ’ .
21 The intended use of the eventual instrument was to be in a standard growth cabinet or growth room .
22 Her highest ambition was to be by the end of the day simply acceptable , to have done no rushing or crashing , committed no vehemence .
23 The fifth summit was to be in 1993 in Mauritius .
24 In addition , there may well be a requirement that any sub-letting is to be at not less than the rent in the lease , and that any sub-lease is to contain similar rent reviews to those in the lease .
25 The contemporary open door was to be for the benefit of the Chinese , not their disadvantage .
26 The intended film was to be about the sex life of Christ , and supposedly was to involve both heterosexual and homosexual acts .
27 The penalty is that the procedure for determining whether or not a particular unit is to be in the sample is a little more complex than with systematic sampling or straightforward random selection of n out of N.
28 The domicile of the company , i.e. whether the registered office is to be in England and Wales , Scotland or Wales .
29 The new institutions were to be in place within nine months .
30 ‘ The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation is moving from Quebec and the new headquarters are to be in Rome .
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